Spain History

Thursday, May 30, 2013

0694-11-09 - Spanish King Egica accuses Jews of aiding Moslems/sentenced to slavery
0711-07-09 - Berbers under Tarik-ibn Ziyad occupies North Spain
0756-05-15 - Abd-al-Rahman I becomes emir of Cordova Spain
0939-08-06 - Battle at Simancas - Spain beats Moors
1212-06-20 - French & Spanish crusaders unite against the Almohaden at Toledo
1212-07-16 - Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of Moslem power in Spain
1229-12-31 - James I of Aragon the Conqueror enters Medina Mayurqa (now known as Palma, Spain) thus consummating the Christian conquest of the island of Majorca.
1250-04-15 - Pope Innoncent III refuses Jews of Cordova Spain to build a synagogue
1340-11-28 - Battle of Salado Spain: last Moor invasion driven back
1355-05-07 - 1,200 Jews of Toledo Spain killed by Count Henry of Trastamara
1367-04-13 - Battle at Nájera Spain: Castile & England beat Aragon & France
1391-03-15 - Jew hating Monk in Seville Spain stirs up people to attack Jews
1391-06-04 - Mob led by Ferrand Martinez surounds & sets fire to Jewish quarter of Seville Spain, surviving Jews sold into slavery
1391-06-06 - Inhabitants of Seville Spain massacres 5,000 Jews
1429-01-10 - Order of Golden Fleece established in Austria-Hungary & Spain
1455-05-03 - Jews flee Spain
1461-08-10 - Alfonso ed Espina, bishop of Osma urges for an Inquistion in Spain
1483-10-17 - Tomas de Torquemada appointed inquisitor-general of Spain
1489-12-04 - Battle of Baza-Spanish army captures Baza from Moors
1491-11-25 - The siege of Granada, last Moorish stronghold in Spain, begins.
1492-01-02 - Spain recaptures Granada from the Moors (Granada Day)
1492-01-16 - The first grammar of a modern language, in the Spanish language, is presented to Queen Isabella.
1492-03-30 - King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella sign decree expelling Jews from Spain
1492-04-17 - Christopher Columbus signs contract with Spain to find Indies
1492-04-30 - Spain announces it will expels all Jews
1492-08-02 - Jews are expelled from Spain by King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella
1492-08-03 - All Jews are expelled from Spain
1492-08-03 - Columbus sets sail from Palos, Spain for the "Indies"
1492-10-28 - Christopher Columbus discovers Cuba & claims it for Spain
1492-11-15 - In La Guardia, Spain, 6 Jews & 5 Conversos are accused of ritual murder
1492-12-26 - 1st Spanish settlement La Navidad (modern Môle-Saint-Nicolas) in New World founded, by Columbus
1493-01-16 - Columbus leaves the new world and sets sail for Spain on his 1st trip
1493-01-19 - France cedes Roussillon & Cerdagne to Spain by treaty of Barcelona
1493-03-15 - Christopher Columbus returns to Spain after his 1st New World voyage
1493-05-04 - Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain & Portugal
1494-06-07 - Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain & Portugal divide America
1501-11-04 - Philip de Blank & Juana "la Loca" depart to Spain
1502-05-09 - Columbus left Spain on his 4th & final trip to New World
1503-01-20 - Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) found (Spain) to deal with American affairs
1503-04-28 - Battle at Cerignalo: Spanish army under G Cordoba beats France
1503-10-30 - Queen Isabella of Spain bans violence against indians
1503-12-27 - Battle at Garigliano] Spanish army under G Cordoba beats France
1503-12-29 - Battle at Carigliano: Spanish army beats France
1504-03-31 - France & Spain signs ceasefire
1504-10-12 - Queen Isabella I of Spain signs her testament
1511-11-17 - England, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire sign anti-French covenant The Treaty of Westminster
1512-04-11 - Battle at Ravenna: France under Gaston de Foix beat Spanish Army
1512-12-27 - The Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regards to native Indians in the New World.
1513-04-02 - Florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Leon
1513-04-08 - Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain
1513-10-07 - Battle of La Motta: Spanish troops under Ramón de Cardona defeat the Venetians.
1516-08-13 - The Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain is signed. Francis recognises Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles recognises Francis's claim to Milan.
1520-06-30 - Spanish conquerors under Cortes take gold from Aztecs
1521-04-22 - French king Francois I declares war on Spain
1521-08-13 - Spanish conquerors Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) from Aztecs
1521-11-19 - Battle at Milan: Emperor Karel V's/pontifical/Spanish/German troops beat France & occupy Milan
1522-02-07 - Treaty of Brussels: Habsburgers split into Spanish/Austrian Branches
1522-05-25 - Emperor Karel I returns to Spain
1522-09-06 - Magellen with Vittoria returns to Spain, after 1st round world trip
1522-09-08 - Spanish navigator Juan de Elcano returns to Spain, completes 1st circumnavigation of globe, expedition begins under Ferdinand Magellan
1524-10-26 - Spanish troops give Milan to France
1526-03-17 - French king Francois I freed from Spain
1526-03-26 - King Francois I returns Spanish captivity to France
1527-05-06 - Spanish & German Imperial troops sack Rome; ending Renaissance
1528-09-28 - Spanish fleet sinks in Florida hurricane; about 380 die
1528-11-06 - Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known European to set foot in Texas.
1529-04-22 - Treaty of Saragosa: Spain & Portugal divide eastern hemisphere
1534-12-06 - Quito, Ecuador founded by Spanish
1538-07-25 - The City of Guayaquil is founded by the Spanish Conquistador Francisco de Orellana and given the name Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Santiago de Guayaquil.
1538-09-28 - Battle at Preveza: Turkish fleet under Barbarossa beats Spanish
1539-01-14 - Spain annexes Cuba.
1539-05-30 - Spanish explorer Fernando de Soto discovers Florida
1539-06-03 - Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
1542-06-27 - Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo claims California for Spain
1542-08-24 - Conquistador Francisco de Orellana returns to Spain
1542-11-22 - Spain delegates "New Laws" against slavery in America
1552-07-17 - Siena drives Spanish troops out of Verdun
1553-12-25 - Battle of Tucapel: Mapuche rebels under Lautaro defeats the Spanish conquistadors and exetutes the governor of Chile Pedro de Valdivia.
1555-04-17 - Siena surrenders for Spanish troops
1555-10-21 - English parliament refuses to recognize Philip of Spain as king
1556-01-16 - Emperor Karel appoints his son Philip II, king of Spain
1556-03-28 - Karel V's son Philip II crowned king of Spain
1556-09-13 - Charles V & Maria of Hungary march into Spain
1556-09-15 - Vlissingen ex-emperor Charles V returns to Spain
1556-10-17 - Ex-emperor Karel departs Netherland for Spain
1558-07-13 - Battle of Gravelines: In France, Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul des Thermes at Gravelines.
1559-04-03 - Spain & France signs 2nd Treaty of Le Cateau-Cambrésis
1559-08-14 - Spanish explorer de Luna lands in Pensacola Bay,Fla
1559-08-22 - Spanish archbishop Bartholome de Carranza arrested as heretic
1559-09-19 - 5 Spanish ships sinks in storm off Tampa, about 600 die
1560-03-13 - Spanish fleet occupies Djerba, at Tripoli
1560-09-25 - Spanish king Philip II names Frederik Schenck of Toutenburg, 1st archbishop of Utrecht
1561-09-23 - King Philip II of Spain forbids Spanish settlements in Florida
1564-08-18 - Spanish king Philip II joins Council of Trente
1565-04-27 - 1st Spanish settlement in Philippines, Cebu City, forms
1566-12-01 - Spanish king Philip II names Fernando Alvarez, duke of Alva
1567-03-13 - Battle at Oosterweel: Spanish troops destroy Geuzenleger
1568-05-23 - Battle at Heiligerlee: Dutch rebels beat Spanish, 100s killed
1568-05-23 - The Netherlands declare their independence from Spain.
1568-07-10 - Battle on Eems: Dutch Water garrison beats Spanish
1609-09-11 - Expulsion order announced against the Moriscos of Valencia; beginning of the expulsion of all Spain's Moriscos.
1616-02-26 - Spanish Inquisition delivers injunction to Galileo
1617-10-09 - Peace of Pavia (Spain & Savoye)
1617-12-16 - Spanish viceroy Hernando Arias de Saavedra founds provinces Rio de la Plata (Argentina)/Guaira (Paraguay)
1621-04-09 - Spain & Netherlands 12 Year Resistant Pact ends
1622-09-06 - Spanish silver fleet disappears off Florida Keys; 1,000s die
1624-03-10 - England declares war on Spain
1624-05-03 - Spanish silver fleet sails to Panama
1624-06-10 - Netherlands & France sign anti-Spanish Treaty of Compiègne
1625-05-01 - Portuguese & Spanish expedition recaptures Salvador (Bahia)
1625-06-05 - Spanish troops under Spinola conquer Breda
1627-01-31 - Spanish government goes bankrupt
1627-03-20 - France & Spain signs accord for fighting protestantism
1628-09-08 - Bay of Matanzas Cuba: Piet Heyn captures Spanish silver fleet
1629-05-03 - French huguenot leader duke De Rohan signs accord with Spain
1629-09-14 - Spanish garrison surrenders to prince Frederik Henry
1630-07-18 - Spanish troops occupy Mantua
1630-11-05 - Spain & England sign peace treaty
1631-09-13 - Admiral Tholen conquerors 30+ Spanish frigates
1634-08-26 - Battle at Nordlingen Bavarian: emperor Ferdinand II & Spain beat Sweden & German protestants
1634-09-05 - -6] Battle at Nordlingen: King Ferdinand III & Spain beat Sweden & German protestants
1635-05-19 - France declares war on Spain
1635-07-28 - Spanish marshal Piccolomini conquerors Schenkenschans
1636-08-14 - Spanish troops occupy Corbie at Amiens
1639-10-21 - Sea battle at Dunes, Lt Admiral Maarten Tromp defeats Spanish armada under De Oquendo
1640-05-12 - Uprising against Spanish king Philip IV
1640-12-01 - Portugal regains independence after 60 years of Spanish rule
1641-06-01 - France & Portugal sign anti-Spanish covenant
1643-05-19 - Battle at Rocroi/Allersheim: French army destroys Spanish army
1646-05-30 - Spain & Netherlands signs temporary cease fire
1647-07-07 - People's uprising against high prices & Spanish rule in Naples
1648-01-30 - Spain & Netherlands sign Peace of Munster, ending Tachtigjarige War
1648-04-05 - Spanish troops/feudal barons strike down people's uprising in Naples
1648-05-15 - Treaty of Munster: Spain & Netherlands ratified
1650-04-30 - French rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain
1652-05-19 - Spanish troops occupy Grevelingen
1652-09-16 - Spanish troops occupy Dunkerk
1657-03-23 - France & England form alliance against Spain; England gets Dunkirk
1657-04-20 - Battle in Santa Cruz Bay, Tenerife: English fleet under Robert Blake sinks Spanish silver fleet
1658-05-24 - Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
1658-06-14 - Battle at Dunes: English & French fleet beat Spanish
1658-06-25 - Spanish garrison at Duinkerk surrenders to French & British
1658-08-24 - Battle at Grevelingen: English fleet beats Spanish
1659-01-14 - Battle at Elvas: Portuguese beat Spanish
1659-11-07 - Peace of Pyreneeen: French king Louis XIV & Spanish king Philip IV
1659-11-17 - Peace of the Pyrenees is signed between France and Spain.
1663-06-08 - Battle at Amegical: English & Portugese fleet beats Spanish
1665-06-06 - Battle at Monte Carlo: English & Portuguese army beat Spain
1665-06-17 - Battle at Viciosa: English & Portuguese army beat Spain
1668-01-19 - King Louis XIV & Emperor Leopold I sign treaty dividing Spain
1668-02-13 - Treaty of Lisbon: Spain recognizes Portugal
1668-05-02 - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle/1st peace of Aken: ends War of Devolution, French-Spanish war in The Netherlands
1668-10-09 - Mass society storms palace of "heretics" Spanish gov Jose de Paternina
1671-01-18 - Pirate Henry Morgan defeats Spanish defenders, captures Panama
1673-08-30 - Leopold I, Spain, Netherlands & Lutherans form anti-French covenant
1674-07-01 - Spain, France & Netherlands form Triple Alliance
1675-01-01 - Don Carlos de Gurrea/Aragon becomes Spanish land guardian of S Neth
1676-04-22 - Battle of Etna - Neth/Spain vs France, M de Ruyter fatally wounded
1676-06-02 - Battle at Palermo: French beats Dutch/Spanish fleet
1676-11-06 - King Carlos II of Spain comes of age (at 15)
1678-09-17 - France & Spain signs peace treaty
1680-08-21 - Pueblo Indians takes possession of Santa Fé from Spanish
1684-08-15 - Spain & Germany sign cease fire with France
1686-07-09 - Germany, Sweden & Spain signs anti-French League of Augsburg
1689-04-15 - French king Louis XIV declares war on Spain
1689-08-25 - Battle at Charleroi: Spanish & English armies chase French
1690-07-01 - Battle of Colors: French beats Spanish/Dutch army
1691-12-04 - Spanish king Carlos II names Maximilian II viceroy of S Netherlands
1697-10-30 - Germany signs French/English/Spanish/Neth/Brandenburgs peace treaty ending 9 year War
1698-11-14 - Spanish king Carlos appoints grandson prince Jozef Ferdinand as heir
1699-06-11 - England, France & Neth agree on 2nd Extermination treaty of Spain
1700-10-02 - Spanish king Carlos II appoints Philip van Anjou, heir to throne
1701-05-15 - The War of the Spanish Succession begins.
1702-05-14 - England & Netherlands declares war on France & Spain
1702-05-15 - War of Spanish Succession, 1st American conflict between England & France
1702-10-12 - Battle of Bay of Vigo: Dutch & English fleet destroy & occupy Spanish silver fleet & French squadron
1703-09-12 - Emperor Leopold I ends contacts on Spanish heritage
1704-08-04 - War of Spanish Succession, English & Dutch troops occupy Gibraltar
1707-04-25 - Battle of Almansa-Franco-Spanish forces defeat Anglo-Portuguese
1713-03-27 - Spain losses Menorca & Gibraltar
1714-06-26 - Spain & Netherlands sign peace/trade agreement
1714-09-07 - Treaty of Baden: Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI & France, ends War of Spanish Succession, French retain Alsace, Austria gets bank of Rhine
1714-09-11 - French & Spanish troops under duke of Berwick occupy Barcelona
1715-07-29 - 10 Spanish treasure galleons sinks off Florida coast by hurricane
1715-07-30 - Spanish gold & silver fleet disappears off St Lucie, Florida
1717-08-22 - Spanish troops lands on Sardinia
1718-01-09 - France declares war on Spain
1718-07-31 - Battle at Cape Passaro: English fleet destroys Spanish
1718-08-11 - Battle at Cape Passaro: English fleet destroys Spanish
1718-12-17 - France, Britain and Austria declare war on Spain.
1721-03-27 - France & Spain sign Treaty of Madrid
1724-01-14 - Spanish King Philip V abdicates throne
1725-04-30 - Emperor Charles VI & King Philip IV of Spain sign Treaty of Vienna
1725-05-01 - Spain & Austria sign trade treaty
1725-11-05 - Spain & Austria sign secret treaty
1727-06-13 - Spain underwrites Preliminairy of Paris
1728-03-06 - Spain & England sign (1st) Convention of Pardo
1729-11-09 - Spain, France & England signs Treaty of Seville
1731-07-22 - Spain signs Treaty of Vienna
1733-09-26 - France, Spain & Sardinia sign anti-German covenant
1933-09-12 - Alejandro Lerroux forms new Spanish government
1933-10-08 - Martinez Barrios forms new Spanish government
1933-11-05 - Spanish Basques vote for autonomy
1933-11-19 - Women allowed to vote in Spain (helps right wing)
1933-12-17 - Spain's 2nd government of Lerroux forms
1934-04-28 - Spanish government of Samper forms
1936-01-16 - Spanish socialists/communists/anarchists form Unidad Popular
1936-02-16 - Spanish Frente Popular (People's Front) wins elections
1936-02-19 - Manuel Azaña becomes Spanish premier
1936-05-10 - Manuel Azaña elected president of Spain
1936-05-13 - Quiroga government takes office in Spain
1936-07-17 - Military uprising under Gen Franco/begins Spanish civil war
1936-07-18 - Spanish Civil War begins, Gen Francisco Franco led uprising
1936-07-19 - Spanish premier Casares Quiroga succeeded by Jose Giral
1936-07-24 - Gen Mola & Cabanellas form Spanish anti-government
1936-07-26 - The Axis Powers decide to intervene in the Spanish Civil War.
1936-09-04 - Franco troops conquer Irun & Talavera de la Reina Spain
1936-09-04 - Largo Caballero becomes Spanish premier
1936-09-21 - Spanish fascist junta names Franco to generalissimo/supreme commander
1936-10-01 - Generalissimo Francisco Franco establishes state of Spain
1936-10-20 - Spanish government moves to Barcelona
1936-11-18 - Germany & Italy recognized Spanish government of Francisco Franco
1937-02-21 - The League of Nations bans foreign national "volunteers" in the Spanish Civil War.
1937-03-20 - Franco-offensive at Guadalajara Spain
1937-04-26 - German Luftwaffe destroys Basque town of Guernica in Spain
1937-05-17 - Juan Negrin succeeds Largo Caballero as Spain's premier
1937-05-31 - German battleships bomb Almeria Spain
1937-07-01 - Spanish bishops support Franco & fascists
1937-07-05 - Republican offensive by Brunete in Spain
1937-07-19 - Joris Ivens' "Spanish Earth" premieres in Hollywood
1937-07-26 - End of the Battle of Brunete in the Spanish Civil War.
1937-08-24 - Republican offensive near Belchite Spain
1937-08-24 - In the Spanish Civil War, the Basque Army surrenders to the Italian Corpo Truppe Volontarie following the Santoña Agreement.
1937-09-01 - Battle of Gijon in Spain begins
1937-09-05 - Spanish Civil War: Llanes falls.
1937-09-06 - Spanish Civil War: The start of the Battle of El Mazuco.
1937-09-22 - Spanish Civil War: Peña Blanca is taken; the end of the Battle of El Mazuco.
1937-10-31 - Spanish government moves from Valencia to Barcelona
1938-02-27 - Britain & France recognize Franco government in Spain
1938-05-03 - Vatican recognizes Franco-Spain
1938-05-25 - Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante takes place, with 313 deaths.
1938-07-25 - Revolutionary offensive of Ebro Spain (Hollander Piet)
1938-12-06 - 117 Spanish knights under capt Piet Laros return to Netherlands
1939-01-24 - Spanish government moves to Figueras
1939-02-06 - Spanish government flees to France
1939-02-22 - Netherlands recognizes Franco-regime in Spain
1939-02-27 - France recognizes Franco's regime in Spain
1939-02-28 - Great-Britain recognizes Franco-regime in Spain
1939-03-28 - Spanish Civil War ends, Madrid falls to Francisco Franco
1939-04-01 - US recognizes Franco government in Spain at end of Spanish civil war Pope Pius XII congratulates Generalissimo Franco's victory in Spain
1944-11-07 - Train crashes in tunnel of Aguadilla Spain; about 500 die
1946-12-03 - US government asks UN to order dictator Franco out of Spain
1946-12-11 - Spain suspended from UN
1947-07-09 - Spain votes for Franco monarchy
1947-08-18 - Naval torpedo & mine factory explodes at Cadiz, Spain killing 300
1948-02-11 - Test Cricket debut of Frank Worrell, v England Port-of-Spain
1949-07-07 - "Cabatgata (A Night in Spain)" opens at Broadway NYC for 76 perfs
1949-09-10 - "Cabatgata (A Night in Spain)" closes at Broadway NYC after 76 perfs
1950-11-10 - Spanish dictator Franco ends war in Gibraltar
1952-11-19 - Spain joins UNESCO
1953-09-26 - US & Spain sign defense treaty (4 US bases in Spain)
1956-04-07 - Spain relinquishes her protectorate in Morocco
1956-11-06 - Holland & Spain withdraw from Olympics, protest Soviets in Hungary
1958-01-13 - Moroccan Liberation Army ambushes Spanish patrol in the Battle of Edchera.
1958-02-05 - Test Cricket debut of Lance Gibbs, WI v Pakistan, Port-of-Spain
1958-04-10 - Northern strip of Spanish Sahara ceded to Morocco
1958-04-20 - Morocco demands departure of Spanish troops
1960-01-30 - Riot curtails third days play at Port-Of-Spain WI v England
1960-10-27 - Singer Ben E King records "Spanish Harlem" & "Stand By Me"
1960-11-13 - Fire in movie theater kills 152 children (Amude Spain)
1961-02-27 - The first congress of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation is inaugurated.
1961-07-15 - Spain accept equal rights for men & women
1961-08-30 - Last Spanish troops leave Morocco
1962-04-07 - Umrigar slams 172* v WI at Port-of-Spain in 248 minutes
1965-01-20 - Generalissimo Francisco Franco meets with Jewish representatives to discuss legitimizing Jewish communities in Spain
1966-01-02 - 1st Jewish child born in Spain since 1492 expulsion
1966-01-17 - B-52/KC-135 tankers crash near Spanish coast at Palomares, 7 die
1966-05-27 - 6 French fighters crash above Spain
1967-09-10 - Gibraltar votes 12,138 to 44 to remain British & not Spanish
1968-03-03 - Greece, Portugal & Spain's embassies bombed in the Hague
1968-05-06 - Spain closes border to Gibraltar except to Spaniards
1968-10-12 - Equatorial Guinea (Spanish Guinea) declares independence from Spain
1968-10-25 - Longest Oly field hockey game, Hol beats Spain 1-0 in 2h25m (6 OT)
1969-01-24 - Spanish Gen Franco announces state of emergency
1969-06-04 - 22-year-old man sneaks into wheel pod of a jet parked in Havana & survives 9-hr flight to Spain despite thin oxygen levels at 29,000 ft
1969-06-08 - General Franco closes Spain's frontier with Gibraltar
1969-06-30 - Spain cedes Ifni to Morocco
1970-07-04 - Chartered Dan-Air Comet crashes into mountains north of Barcelona, Spain killing 112 vacationing Britons
1971-03-06 - Test Cricket debut of Sunil Gavaskar, v West Indies at Port-of-Spain
1971-03-09 - J M Noreiga takes 9-95 WI v India at Port-of-Spain
1971-07-16 - Franco points prince Juan Carlos as deputy in Spain
1972-07-21 - 2 passenger trains collide head-on killing 76 (Seville, Spain)
1973-06-08 - Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco appointed premier of Spain
1974-01-03 - Arias Navarro succeeds Carrero Blanco as premier of Spain
1974-04-02 - Tony Greig takes 8-86 v WI Port-of-Spain (later 5-70 in 2nd inn)
1975-06-07 - Spain's Manuel Orantes wins US Open, beating Jimmy Connors in 3 sets
1975-09-27 - Government De Uyl recalls Dutch ambassador from Spain
1975-10-30 - Juan Carlos assumes power in Spain
1975-11-14 - Spain, Morocco & Mauretania sign accord about Spanish Sahara
1975-11-22 - Juan Carlos proclaimed king of Spain
1976-02-28 - Ceuta & Melilla (Spanish Morocco) are last European African possession
1976-02-28 - Spain withdraws from Western Sahara
1976-03-03 - 5 workers are killed by the police in a demonstration in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
1976-05-14 - Oil tanker Urqui Ola explodes off Spanish coast
1976-07-03 - Adolfo Suarez becomes premier of Spain
1976-11-18 - Spain's parliament establishes democracy after 37 yrs of dictatorship
1977-01-24 - Massacre of Atocha in Madrid, during the Spanish transition to democracy.
1977-03-04 - Colin Croft takes 8-29 against Pakistan at Port-of-Spain
1977-04-09 - Communist party in Spain allowed legally after 40 years
1977-06-15 - Spain's 1st free elections since 1936 (41 years)
1977-10-06 - In Alicante, Spain, fascists attack a group of MCPV militants and sympathizers, and one MCPV sympathizer is killed.
1978-07-11 - Auto with liquid gas crashes & explodes in Spain, 160 killed
1978-12-06 - Spain adopts constitution
1978-12-27 - King Juan Carlos ratifies Spain's 1st democratic constitution
1978-12-27 - Spain becomes a democracy after 40 years of dictatorship.
1978-12-29 - Spain constitution goes into effect
1980-01-31 - Police storm occupied Spanish embassy in Guatemala City, killing 41
1981-02-23 - Spanish coup under lt-col Antonio Tejero Molina fails
1981-02-25 - L Calvo Sotelo elected premier of Spain
1981-05-24 - Hostage situation ends at Central Bank in Barcelona Spain
1981-09-10 - "Guernica" of Pablo Picasso returns to Spain
1981-12-02 - Spanish government requests membership in NATO
1981-12-07 - Spain becomes a member of the NATO
1982-05-12 - In Fatima Portugal, a Spanish priest with a bayonet is stopped prior to his attempt to attack Pope John Paul II
1982-05-30 - Spain becomes 16th member of NATO
1982-09-13 - 50 die in Spantax Airlines DC-10 on takeoff from Malaga, Spain
1982-10-28 - Spain's socialists win/communists lose elections
1982-10-31 - Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pontiff to visit Spain
1982-12-15 - Spain reopens border with Gibraltar
1983-02-23 - The Spanish Socialist government of Felipe González and Miguel Boyer nationalizes Rumasa, a holding of José María Ruiz Mateos.
1983-08-26 - Flooding destroys most of the old town of Bilbao, Spain.
1985-01-13 - 99-yr-old Otto Bucher scores a hole-in-one at Spanish golf course
1985-02-19 - 150 killed when a Spanish jetliner crashed approaching Bilbao, Spain
1985-07-20 - Divers find wreck of Spanish galleon Atocha
1986-01-01 - Spain & Portugal are 11th & 12th to join European Economic Community
1986-01-19 - Spain recognizes Israel
1986-04-13 - Spanish Grand Prix decided by 0.014 of a second
1986-05-16 - The Seville Statement on Violence is adopted by an international meeting of scientists, convened by the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO, in Seville, Spain.
1986-06-22 - Spain's premier Gonzalez' Socialist Party wins elections
1988-10-23 - Boston Celtics play Spain in Madrid
1988-12-14 - Spanish General strike to protest austerity measures
1989-02-22 - 1st Spanish commercial on network TV (Pepsi-Cola-CBS Grammy Award)
1989-10-09 - 27th Tennis Fed Cup: USA beats Spain in Tokyo Japan (3-0)
1991-07-28 - 29th Tennis Fed Cup: Spain beats USA in Nottingham England (2-1)
1991-07-28 - Miguel Indurain of Spain wins Tour de France bicycle race
1991-10-30 - Mid East peace conference begins in Madrid Spain
1991-11-04 - Mid East peace conference ends in Madrid Spain
1991-12-21 - 95 share in Madrid Spain $1.3 billion lottery (#47996)
1992-04-20 - Expo '92 opens in Seville Spain
1992-07-19 - 30th Tennis Fed Cup: Germany beats Spain in Frankfurt Germany (2-1)
1992-07-25 - 25th Olympic Summer games opens in Barcelona, Spain
1992-08-09 - 25th Olympic Summer games closes in Barcelona, Spain
1992-10-12 - Expo '92 closes in Seville Spain
1992-12-03 - The Greek oil tanker Aegean Sea, carrying 80,000 tonnes of crude oil, runs aground in a storm while approaching La Coruña, Spain, and spills much of its cargo.
1993-07-25 - 31st Tennis Fed Cup: Spain beats Australia in Frankfurt Germany (3-0)
1993-08-02 - Train crash in tunnel at Vega de Anzo Spain, 12 killed
1994-01-18 - The Cando event, a possible bolide impact in Cando, Spain. Witnesses claim to have seen a fireball in the sky lasting for almost one minute.
1994-03-30 - England Cricket all out for 46 at Port-of-Spain
1994-06-12 - -17] Pope John Paul II visits Spain
1994-07-16 - Spanish fishing boats sink a French fishing boat over fishing rights
1994-07-24 - 32nd Tennis Fed Cup: Spain beats USA in Frankfurt Germany (3-0)
1994-08-20 - 109.8°F (43.2°C) in Cordoba Spain
1995-03-12 - Lara scores 139 in ODI v Australia at Port-of-Spain
1995-11-02 - Spanish Broadcasting System buys NY radio station WPAT-FM for $83.5M
1995-11-26 - 33rd Tennis Fed Cup: Spain beats USA in Valencia Spain (3-2)
1996-01-20 - WPAT FM NYC radio station switches to English-Spanish format
1996-03-30 - Lara hits 146 cricket not out in ODI vs NZ at Port-Of-Spain
1996-07-20 - In Spain, an ETA bomb at an airport kills 35
1996-09-29 - 34th Tennis Fed Cup: USA beats Spain in Atlantic City USA (5-0)
1996-09-29 - US wins Federation Cup over Spain
1997-01-18 - In north west Rwanda, Hutu militia members kill 3 Spanish aid workers, 3 soldiers and seriously wound one other.
1997-03-17 - CNN begins spanish broadcasts
1997-07-10 - Spain, Partido Popular member Miguel Ángel Blanco is kidnapped in the Basque city of Ermua by ETA members, sparking widespread protests.
1997-09-28 - 32nd Ryder Cup: Europe wins 14½-13½ to retain the Cup at Sotogrande Spain
1998-10-16 - Former Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet is arrested in London on a warrant from Spain requesting his extradition on murder charges.
1999-12-21 - The Spanish Civil Guard intercepts a van loaded with 950 kg of explosives that ETA intended to use to blow up Torre Picasso in Madrid.
1999-12-22 - The Spanish Civil Guard finds near Calatayud (Zaragoza) another van loaded by ETA with 750 kg of explosives (see related event on December 21, 1999).
2001-01-16 - US President Bill Clinton awards former President Theodore Roosevelt a posthumous Medal of Honor for his service in the Spanish-American War.
2002-03-01 - The peseta is discontinued as official currency of Spain and is replaced with the euro (€).
2003-12-24 - The Spanish police thwart an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p.m. inside Madrid's busy Chamartín Station.
2004-04-02 - Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid. Their attack is thwarted.
2005-02-20 - Spain becomes the first country to vote in a referendum on ratification of the proposed Constitution of the European Union, passing it by a substantial margin, but on a low turnout.
2005-06-30 - Spain legalizes same-sex marriage.
2005-07-03 - The national law legalizing same-sex marriage takes effect in Spain.
2005-12-08 - Ante Gotovina, Croatian army general accused of war crimes, is captured in the Playa de las Américas, Tenerife by the Spanish police.
2006-07-31 - Fidel Castro hands over power temporarily to brother Raúl Castro. This leads to a celebration in Little Havana (La Pequeña Habana in Spanish), Miami, Florida, where many Cuban Americans participated.
2007-11-10 - ¿Por qué no te callas? incident between King Juan Carlos of Spain and Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez.
2007-12-20 - The painting Portrait of Suzanne Bloch (1904), by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, was stolen from the São Paulo Museum of Art, along with O Lavrador de Café, by the major Brazilian modernist painter Candido Portinari.
2012-03-30 - Spanish Government cuts 27 Billion Euros from its budget in one of its toughest austerity driver in history
2012-04-03 - Spanish unemployment reaches record high, youth unemployment stands at 50%
2012-04-30 - Spain's economy double dips after a 0.3% contraction and 25% unemployment rate
2012-06-07 - Credit rating agency Fitch downgrades Spain's credit rating to BBB in the wake of international bailout speculation
2012-06-09 - It is announced that up to $125 million dollars in loans will be given to aid Spain's struggling banks
2012-07-01 - Spain's football team crush Italy 4-0 to win the 2012 UEFA Euro Cup
2012-11-14 - A series of protests against austerity measures occur across Europe including Spain, Portugal, and Greece


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