French History

Thursday, May 30, 2013

 Historical Events
0303-09-25 - On a voyage preaching the gospel, Saint Fermin of Pamplona is beheaded in Amiens, France.
0498-12-25 - French king Clovis baptises himself
0732-10-11 - Battle at Tours: France under Karel Martel beat Moors
0754-07-28 - Pope Stephen II, [III] makes Pippin de Korte, King of France
0823-04-05 - Pope Peschalis I crowns Lotharius I, co-emperor of France
0843-08-10 - Treaty of Verdun: Brothers Lotharius I, Louis the German & Charles the Bare divide France
0881-08-03 - Battle at Saucourt: French King Louis III beats the Vikings
0891-09-01 - Northmen defeated near Louvaine, France
0896-02-22 - Pope Formosa crowned king Arnulf of Karinthie/French emperor
0921-11-07 - Treaty of Bonn: East France & West France recognize each other
0922-06-09 - French republic chooses Robert I, King of France
0923-06-15 - Battle of Soissons: King Robert I of France is killed and King Charles the Simple is arrested by the supporters of Duke Rudolph of Burgundy.
0939-10-02 - Battle at Andernach: King Otto & Hermann of Zwaben beat Eberhard of France & Giselbert of Lutherans
0954-11-12 - Lotharius becomes king of France
0979-06-08 - Louis V de Luie, crowned King of France
0987-06-19 - Louis IV, crowned king of France
0987-07-03 - Hugo Capet crowned king of France
0987-12-30 - French King Hugo Capet crowns his son Robert the compassionate king
0999-04-02 - Gerbert of Aurillac elected as 1st French Pope
1027-05-14 - Robert II, the Vrome, names son Henry I, king of France
1031-07-20 - Henry I succeeds father Robert II as King of France

1059-05-23 - Henri I crowns his son compassionate King Philip I of France
1070-06-04 - Roquefort cheese created in a cave near Roquefort, France
1108-08-03 - Louis VI, "the Fat One," King of France, crowned
1119-06-28 - Battle of Sarmada - Emir Ilghazi defeat French Crusaders
1131-10-25 - Crowning of Louis VII the Young, King of France
1140-06-03 - French scholar Peter Abelard is found guilty of heresy.
1148-07-24 - Louis VII of France lays siege to Damascus during the Second Crusade.
1180-09-18 - Philip Augustus becomes king of France.
1191-07-12 - Saladin's garrison surrenders, ending the two-year siege of Acre. Conrad of Montferrat, who has negotiated the surrender, raises the banners of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and of the Third Crusade leaders Richard I of England, Philip II of France, and Leopold V of Austria on the city's walls and towers.
1198-12-26 - French bishop Odo van Sully condemns Zottenfeest
1199-03-25 - Richard I is wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France which leads to his death on April 6.
1202-04-28 - King Philip II throws out John without Country, from France
1204-06-01 - King Philip Augustus of France conquers Rouen.
1212-06-20 - French & Spanish crusaders unite against the Almohaden at Toledo
1214-01-08 - Earl Ferrand of Flanders drops ties with France
1216-05-21 - French crown prince Louis enters England
1217-05-20 - The Second Battle of Lincoln is fought near Lincoln, England, resulting in the defeat of Prince Louis of France by William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke.
1217-08-24 - Battle at South Foreland: English fleet beats France
1217-09-12 - French prince Louis & English king Henry III sign peace treaty
1223-07-14 - Louis VIII becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Philip II
1249-02-16 - Andrew of Longjumeau is dispatched by Louis IX of France as his ambassador to meet with the Khan of the Mongols.
1250-04-13 - The Seventh Crusade is defeated in Egypt, Louis IX of France is captured.
1250-07-03 - Louis IX of France is captured by Baibars' Mamluk army at the Battle of Fariskur while he is in Egypt conducting the Seventh Crusade; he later has to ransom himself.
1253-07-23 - Jews are expelled from Vienne France by order of Pope Innocent III
1259-12-04 - Treaty of Paris: English king Henry III & French king Louis IX
1260-10-24 - The spectacular Cathedral of Chartres is dedicated in the presence of King Louis IX of France; the cathedral is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
1270-10-30 - The Eighth Crusade and siege of Tunis ends by agreement between Charles I of Sicily (brother to King Louis IX of France, who had died months earlier) and the sultan of Tunis.
1275-05-23 - King Edward I of Engld orders cessation of persecution of French Jews
1288-04-24 - Jews of Yroyes France are accused of ritual murder
1291-06-17 - Akko reconquered after 200 years by French crusaders, & destroyed
1295-07-05 - Scotland and France form an alliance, the beginnings of the Auld Alliance, against England.
1296-01-09 - Earl Floris V signs accord with French king
1302-05-18 - Bruges Matins; the nocturnal massacre of the French garrison in Bruges by local Flemish militia.
1302-07-11 - Battle of the Golden Spurs (Guldensporenslag in Dutch) near Kortrijk, Belgium. Flemish coalition defeat French army
1303-09-08 - Anagni: French king Philip IV captures Pope Boniface VIII
1304-08-10 - -11] Battle at Zierik Sea: Dutch & French fleet beat Flemish fleet
1305-06-23 - French-Flemish peace treaty signed at Athis-sur-Orge
1306-07-22 - King Phillip the Fair, orders expulsion of Jews out of France
1307-10-13 - French king Philip IV convicts templars because of heresy
1310-05-11 - Fifty-four members of the Knights Templar are burned at the stake in France for being heretics.
1317-01-09 - Phillips V, the Tall, crowned king of France
1321-08-21 - 160 Jews of Chincon France, burned at stake
1322-06-24 - Jews are expelled from France for 3rd time
1328-05-27 - French king Philip VI Valois crowned
1328-08-23 - Battle at Kassel: French troops stop uprising of Flemish farmers
1328-08-23 - King Philip VI of France, crowned

1340-01-26 - English king Edward III proclaimed king of France
1340-06-24 - In the Hundred Years War, British fleet destroys the French at the battle of Sluys
1340-09-25 - England & France sign disarmament treaty
1346-08-26 - Battle at Crécy-England's longbows defeat France, cannons used for 1st time in battle
1352-01-06 - French king Jean II introduces Order of the Star
1356-09-19 - English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers
1358-05-28 - Daint-Leu at Oise begins French boer uprising
1358-06-10 - French boer leader Guillaume Cale captured
1360-03-15 - France army attacks English south coast, raiding Winchelsea
1360-05-08 - Treaty of Brétigny signed by English & French
1360-12-05 - The French Franc is created.
1362-04-06 - Robber bastion Tard-Venus strikes at Brignais France
1364-09-29 - Battle of Auray, English forces defeat French at Brittany
1367-04-13 - Battle at Nájera Spain: Castile & England beat Aragon & France
1376-04-03 - Battle of Navarrete (Najera), English beat France
1377-06-29 - French invasion fleet lands at Rye England
1380-11-14 - King Charles VI of France crowned at age 12
1380-11-16 - French King Charles VI declares no taxes for ever
1382-03-01 - French Maillotin uprises against taxes
1382-11-27 - Battle of Westrozebeke/Roosebeke. French army defeats the Flemish army. Flemish leader Philip Van Artevelde killed and corpse displayed
1389-10-30 - French king Charles VI visits pope Clemens VII
1390-07-01 - French & Genuese armada sails out against barbarian pirates
1392-06-13 - Assassination attempt on Pierre de Craon Van Clisson of France, fails
1394-09-17 - Jews are expelled from France by order of King Charles VI
1394-11-03 - Jews are expelled from France by Charles VI
1419-01-19 - French city of Rouen surrenders to Henry V in Hundred Years War
1420-05-21 - Treaty of Troyes-French King Charles VI gives France to English
1421-03-21 - Battle of Beauge-French beat British
1422-10-28 - Charles V's son succeeds him as king Charles VII of France
1423-07-31 - Hundred Years' War: Battle of Cravant - the French army is defeated at Cravant on the banks of the river Yonne.

1429-04-29 - Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English
1429-05-08 - French troops under Joan of Arc rescues Orleans
1429-07-16 - Joan of Arc leads French army in Battle of Orleans

1429-07-17 - Dauphin crowned king of France
1431-01-09 - Judges' investigations for the trial of Joan of Arc begin in Rouen, France, the seat of the English occupation government.
1431-05-30 - Hundred Years' War: in Rouen, France, 19-year-old Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by an English-dominated tribunal.
1431-12-16 - King Henry VI of England crowned king of France
1434-04-14 - The foundation stone of Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul in Nantes, France is laid.
1435-09-21 - Treaty of Atrecht: Philip of Bourgondy vs French king Charles II
1438-07-07 - French church/King Charles VII release Pragmatieke Sanctie of Bourges
1450-04-15 - French defeat English at Battle of Formigny in 100 Years' War
1451-07-31 - Jacques Cœur is arrested by order of Charles VII of France.
1453-05-29 - French banker Jacques Coeurs possessions confiscated
1453-07-17 - 1st battle at Castillon: French beat English troops

1453-10-19 - 2nd Battle at Castillon: France beats English, end of hundred year war
1463-01-05 - French poet Francois Villon banished from Paris
1464-06-19 - French King Louis XI forms postal service
1465-10-05 - French King Louis XI signs peace with Charles the Stout
1468-10-14 - Treaty of Peronne: Duke Charles the Stoute & French king Louis XI
1477-08-19 - Burgundy & acquires Burgundian possessions in the Netherlands & France
1483-05-14 - Coronation of Charles VIII of France ("Charles l'Affable").
1490-01-04 - Anna of Brittany announces that all those who would ally with the king of France will be considered guilty of the crime of lese-majesty.
1492-03-04 - King James IV of Scotland concludes an alliance with France against England.
1492-10-02 - King Henry VII of England invades France
1492-11-07 - The Ensisheim Meteorite, the oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, strikes the earth around noon in a wheat field outside the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France.
1493-01-19 - France cedes Roussillon & Cerdagne to Spain by treaty of Barcelona
1494-11-18 - French king Charles VIII occupies Florence
1495-01-28 - Pope gives his son Cesare Borgia as hostage to Charles VIII of France
1495-02-22 - French King Charles VIII enters Naples to claim crown
1495-05-20 - French King Charles VIII leaves Naples
1495-05-31 - Emperor Maximilian, Pope Alexander VI, Milan, King Ferdinand, Isabella & Venice sign anti-French Saint League
1495-07-06 - Battle at Fornovo] French king Charles VIII beats St League
1495-07-20 - French viceroy of Naples Montpensier surrenders
1497-02-25 - Italians troops reconquer Taranto on France
1499-02-09 - France & Venice sign treaty against Milan
1499-10-06 - French king Louis XII occupies Milan
1499-11-05 - Publication of the Catholicon in Treguier (Brittany). This Breton-French-Latin dictionary was written in 1464 by Jehan Lagadeuc. It is the first Breton dictionary as well as the first French dictionary.

1500-04-10 - France captures duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan
1500-11-11 - Treaty of Granada: France & Aragon divide Naples
1503-02-13 - Disfida di Barletta - Famous challenge between 13 Italian and 13 French knights near Barletta.
1503-04-28 - Battle at Cerignalo: Spanish army under G Cordoba beats France
1503-12-27 - Battle at Garigliano] Spanish army under G Cordoba beats France
1503-12-29 - Battle at Carigliano: Spanish army beats France
1504-01-31 - By treaty of Lyons, French cede Naples to Ferdinand of Aragon
1504-03-31 - France & Spain signs ceasefire
1506-10-07 - Pope Julius II & France occupy Bologna
1509-04-07 - France declares war on Venice
1509-04-16 - French army under Louis XII enters Alps
1509-05-14 - Battle of Agnadello, French beat Venitians in Northern Italy
1511-01-19 - Mirandola surrenders to the French.
1511-10-05 - Eedgenootschap signs anti-French Saint League
1511-11-17 - England, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire sign anti-French covenant The Treaty of Westminster

1512-02-05 - French troops under Gaston de Foix rescues Bologna
1512-02-16 - Battle at Valeggio: French troops beat Venetianen
1512-02-19 - French troops under Gaston de Foix occupy Brescia
1512-04-11 - Battle at Ravenna: France under Gaston de Foix beat Spanish Army
1512-08-10 - Battle at Brest: English fleet beats France
1513-08-16 - Battle at Eguinegatte/Guinegate: Maximilian & Henry VIII beat France
1515-01-01 - Francois, Duke of Angouleme succeeds Louis XII as Francois I of France
1515-01-01 - King Francis I of France succeeds to the French throne.
1515-09-13 - -14] Battle at Marignano: France beats Habsburgers & Pope Leo X
1515-09-14 - Battle at Marignano ends in French/Venetian victory
1516-08-13 - The Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain is signed. Francis recognises Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles recognises Francis's claim to Milan.
1516-11-29 - Treaty of Freiburg] French/Swiss "eternal" peace treaty
1518-04-27 - Treaty of St Truiden: anti-French Trapdoors/Bourgondisch covenant
1520-06-06 - France & England sign treaty of Scotland
1521-04-22 - French king Francois I declares war on Spain

1521-11-19 - Battle at Milan: Emperor Karel V's/pontifical/Spanish/German troops beat France & occupy Milan
1522-01-30 - Duke of Albany takes captured French back to Scotland
1522-04-27 - Battle at Bicacca: Charles I & Pope Adrianus VI beat France
1522-05-30 - French troops driven out of Genoa
1522-06-24 - Battle at La Bicocca: Emperor Karel V beats France
1523-09-19 - Emperor Charles I & England sign anti-French covenant
1523-10-27 - English troops occupy Montalidier France
1524-03-19 - Giovanni de Varrazano of France sights land around area of Carolinas
1524-04-19 - Pope Clemens VII fires Neth inquisitor-general French Van de Holly
1524-10-26 - Spanish troops give Milan to France
1525-02-24 - Battle of Pavia: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V's troops beat the French
1526-03-17 - French king Francois I freed from Spain
1526-03-26 - King Francois I returns Spanish captivity to France
1526-05-22 - Pope Clemens VII, France, Genoa, Venice, Florence & Milan form Anti-French League of Cognac
1527-04-30 - England & France sign treaty of Westminster
1528-01-22 - England & France declare war on Emperor Charles V
1529-06-21 - Battle at Landriano: Leyva beats France
1529-08-03 - "Ladies' Peace" (treaty of Cambrai)-emperor Charles V & King French I
1534-05-10 - French navigator Jacques Cartier reaches Newfoundland
1534-07-24 - Jacques Cartier, lands in Canada, claims it for France
1534-10-18 - New pursuit of French protestants
1535-09-01 - French navigator Jacques Cartier reaches Hochelaga (Montreal)
1536-02-18 - France & Turkey sign milt/trade agreement against King Karel
1536-07-09 - French navigator Jacques Cartier returns to Saint-Malo from Canada
1537-03-17 - French troops invade Flanders
1537-07-30 - Resistant of Bomy: French/Dutch cease fire
1538-06-18 - Treaty of Nice: ends war between Emperor Charles V & King French I
1541-08-23 - French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada.
1542-07-12 - French troops under Maarten van Rossem occupies Flanders
1542-08-02 - French troops leave Flanders
1543-02-11 - Karel/Henry VIII sign anti-French covenant
1543-07-07 - French troops invade Luxembourg
1543-08-05 - French & Turkish troops occupy Nice
1543-09-06 - French & Turkish fleet occupies Nice
1544-04-14 - Battle at Carignano: French troops under Earl d'Enghien beat Swiss
1544-08-17 - Imperial/English armies occupy Saint-Dizier France

1544-09-18 - Peace of Crépy: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V & French King Francis I
1544-09-30 - King Henry VIII draws his armies out of France
1545-04-12 - French king Francois I orders protestants of Vaudois to be killed
1545-07-21 - The first landing of French troops onto the coast of the Isle of Wight during the French invasion of the Isle of Wight occurs.
1547-03-31 - Henry II succeeds Francois I as king of France
1547-07-25 - Henry II of France is crowned.
1548-08-15 - Mary queen of Scotland (6) arrives in France
1549-08-08 - France declares war on England
1549-08-12 - French troops occupy Ambleteuse England
1550-03-24 - France & England sign Peace of Boulogne
1552-01-15 - France signs secret treaty with German Protestants
1552-04-10 - Henri II of France occupies Metz
1557-06-07 - England declares war on France
1557-08-10 - Battle at St Quentin: Lamoraal of Egmont & Philibert beat France
1558-01-07 - Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French
1558-01-08 - French troops under duke de Guise occupy Calais
1558-07-13 - Battle of Gravelines: In France, Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul des Thermes at Gravelines.
1558-07-23 - Battle at Grevelingen: Gen/earl Lamoraal van Egmont beat France
1558-11-07 - French king Henri II occupies Calais
1559-04-02 - England/France signs 1st Treaty of Le Cateau-Cambrésis
1559-04-03 - Spain & France signs 2nd Treaty of Le Cateau-Cambrésis
1559-06-30 - King Henry II of France is seriously injured in a jousting match against Gabriel de Montgomery.
1560-03-15 - Failed assault on royal palace in Amboise France
1561-01-28 - By Edict of Orleans persecution of French Huguenots is suspended
1561-08-19 - Mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith Scotland to assume throne after spending 13 years in France
1562-01-17 - Edict of St Germain recognizes Huguenots in France
1562-04-30 - 1st French colonists in US: Jean Ribault & colonists arrive in Florida
1563-04-30 - Jews are expelled from France by order of Charles VI
1563-07-27 - French army recaptures Le Havre
1563-08-17 - King Charles IX of France (13) declared an adult
1564-04-11 - England & France sign Peace of Troyes
1565-09-20 - Spaniards capture Fort Caroline Fla & massacre the French
1567-11-10 - Battle at St-Denis: French government army vs Huguenots
1568-03-23 - Treaty of Longjumeau: French huguenots go on strike
1570-07-25 - Battle at Arnay-le-Duc Bourgundy: Huguenots-French government army
1572-04-21 - France & England sign anti-Spanish military covenant
1572-08-24 - St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of Protestants by Roman Catholics begins in Paris and later spreads to the French provinces
1574-02-23 - France begins 5th holy war against Huguenots
1574-05-30 - Henry III follows brother Charles IX as king of France
1575-02-13 - Henry III of France is crowned at Rheims.
1575-11-08 - French Roman Catholics & Huguenots signs treaty
1578-04-27 - Duel of the Mignons claims the lives of two favorites of Henry III of France and two favorites of Henry I, Duke of Guise.
1578-08-13 - Duke French van Anjou recognized as protector of Netherlands
1579-05-17 - Artois/Henegouwen/French-Flanders sign Treaty/Peace of Parma recognizing Spanish duke van Parma as land guardian
1580-11-26 - French Huguenots & Roman Catholics sign peace treaty
1582-04-03 - French van Valois honored as duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen
1582-08-23 - French van Valois pays tribute to earl of Flanders
1582-12-10 - France begins use of Gregorian calendar
1583-06-17 - Brabant: duke of Parma beats French mercenaries
1583-06-28 - Duke French van Valois returns to France
1585-01-02 - Spain & Catholic France sign Saint League of Joinville
1585-07-07 - King Henri III & Duke De Guise signs Treaty of Nemours: French Huguenots lose all freedoms
1588-07-11 - French king Henri III accept demands of Catholic League
1589-08-01 - Assination of French King Henry III by friar Jacques Clément
1589-09-21 - Battle at Arques: French king Henri IV beats Catholic League
1590-03-14 - Battle at Ivry: French King Henri IV beats Catholic League
1590-09-05 - Alexander Farnese's army forces Henry IV of France to raise the siege of Paris.
1591-03-01 - Pope Gregory XIV threatens to excommunicate French king Henri IV
1591-04-19 - Chartres surrenders to king Henri IV in France
1591-08-19 - French king Henri IV occupies Rouen
1591-09-21 - French bishops recognize Henri IV as king of France
1593-07-25 - France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to Roman Catholic faith
1594-02-27 - Henri IV crowned king of France
1594-03-22 - French King Henri IV festival in Paris
1595-01-17 - French King Henri IV declares war on Spain
1595-09-17 - Pope Clemens VIII recognizes Henri IV as king of France
1596-05-26 - England, France & Netherlands signs Drievoudig Covenant against Spain
1596-10-31 - English/French/Dutch delegates sign anti-Spanish "Drievoudig Covenant"
1597-03-11 - Land guardian Albrecht occupies Amiens on France
1597-09-16 - French troops chase away Albrecht of Austria
1597-09-25 - Amiens surrenders to French King Henri IV
1598-03-20 - French king Henri IV & duke van Mercour sign treaty
1598-04-13 - Edict of Nantes grants political rights to French Huguenots
1598-05-02 - France & Spain signs Peace of Vervins
1600-08-06 - Henry IV of France invades Savoy after negotiations break down over Saluzzo, controlled by Savoy since 1588
1601-01-17 - France gains Bresse, Bugey, Valromey & Gex in treaty with Spain
1609-06-17 - Netherlands, England & France sign 12 year Covenant
1609-07-04 - Samuel de Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs at Ticonderoga, New York setting the tone of French-Iroquois relations for the next 150 years
1610-05-14 - Assassination of Henri IV of France, bringing Louis XIII to the throne.
1610-05-15 - Parliament of Paris appoints Louis XIII (8) as French king
1614-10-02 - French king Louis XIII (13) declared an adult
1615-06-02 - First Récollet missionaries arrive at Quebec City, from Rouen, France.
1616-05-03 - Treaty of Loudun kills French civil war
1616-11-20 - Bishop Richelieu becomes French minister of Foreign affairs/War
1620-06-03 - Construction of the oldest stone church in French North America, Notre-Dame-des-Anges, begins at Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
1620-08-07 - Battle at Ponts-the-Ce, Poitou: French king Louis XIII beats his mother Marie de Medici
1620-12-23 - French huguenots declare war on King Louis XIII
1621-04-15 - Hugo the Great arrives in France
1621-06-25 - French government army occupies Fort St Jean d'Angély at La Rochelle
1622-10-18 - French King Louis XIII & Huguenots sign treaty of Montpellier
1624-06-10 - Netherlands & France sign anti-Spanish Treaty of Compiègne
1624-08-13 - Cardinal Richelieu appointed Chief Minister of France by Louis XIII
1626-02-06 - Huguenot rebels & French sign Peace of La Rochelle
1627-03-20 - France & Spain signs accord for fighting protestantism
1627-10-27 - English assault on French Il de Ré
1628-11-01 - French king Louis XIII occupies La Rochelle
1629-04-14 - England & France sign Peace of Susa
1629-05-03 - French huguenot leader duke De Rohan signs accord with Spain
1629-06-28 - Peace of Ales: Rights of French huguenots limited
1630-03-23 - French troops occupy Pinerolo Piedmont

1630-11-10 - Failed palace revolution against Richelieu France
1631-01-23 - France & Sweden sign anti-German Treaty of Barwald
1631-05-30 - France/Maximilian van Bavarian signs Accord of Fontainebleau
1632-03-29 - Treaty of Saint-Germain is signed, returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629.
1632-07-23 - Three hundred colonists bound for New France depart from Dieppe, France.
1633-03-01 - Samuel de Champlain reclaims his role as commander of New France on behalf of Cardinal Richelieu.
1634-07-04 - The city of Trois-Rivières is founded in New France, later to become the Canadian province of Quebec.
1634-08-18 - Urbain Grandier, accused and convicted of sorcery, is burned alive in Loudun, France.
1635-05-19 - France declares war on Spain
1635-06-28 - French colony of Guadeloupe established in Caribbean
1635-09-18 - Emperor Ferdinand II declares war on France
1637-05-13 - Cardinal Richelieu of France creates the table knife
1638-09-01 - -4] French queen-mother Maria de' Medici visits Amsterdam
1638-12-17 - French/Swedish troops occupy Breisach on the Rhine
1639-02-07 - Academie Francaise begins Dictionary of French Language
1639-07-19 - French troops occupy Salses, at Perpignan
1641-06-01 - France & Portugal sign anti-Spanish covenant
1641-07-06 - Battle at La Marfée Sedan: Earl Soisson beats French government army
1641-12-25 - Emperor Ferdinand III makes appointments with Sweden & France
1642-09-19 - Perpignan surrenders to French troops

1643-05-14 - Louis XIV (4) becomes King of France
1643-05-19 - Battle at Rocroi/Allersheim: French army destroys Spanish army
1643-11-24 - Battle at Tuttlingen: Beiers army under Gen Mercy beats France
1644-09-17 - French troops occupy Mainz
1645-08-03 - Battle of Allersheim: French defeat Bavarians
1647-03-14 - Thirty Years' War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.
1647-09-01 - French cardinal Mazarin & duke of Modena sign treaty against Milan
1648-06-30 - French premier cardinal Mazarin calls Saint Louis Chamber together
1648-08-20 - Battle of Lens: French duke d'Enghien defeats Spaniards
1648-11-11 - Dutch & French agree to divide St Maarten, Leeward Islands
1649-03-11 - The Frondeurs (French rebels) and the French government sign the Peace of Rueil.
1650-01-18 - French Prince Louis II of Condé captured
1650-04-30 - French rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain
1651-11-07 - King Louis XIV of France (13) declarer of full age
1652-05-04 - Battle at Etampes: French army under Turenne beats Fronde rebels
1653-02-07 - Nicolas Fouquet appointed superintendant of Finance of France
1654-06-07 - Louis XIV crowned King of France
1654-08-05 - French troops occupy Stenay
1654-11-23 - French mathematician, scientist, and religious philosopher Blaise Pascal experiences an intense, mystical vision that marks him for life.
1655-11-03 - England & France sign miltary & economic treaties
1656-09-15 - England & France sign peace treaty
1657-03-23 - France & England form alliance against Spain; England gets Dunkirk
1657-10-03 - French troops occupy Mardyke
1658-05-24 - Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
1658-06-03 - Pope Alexander VII appoints François de Laval vicar apostolic in New France.
1658-06-14 - Battle at Dunes: English & French fleet beat Spanish
1658-06-24 - French fleet recaptures Duinkerk
1658-06-25 - Spanish garrison at Duinkerk surrenders to French & British
1658-08-15 - France/Sweden/Bavarian/Brunswick/Munster/Hessen-Kassel form Rijnbond
1659-05-22 - France, England & Netherlands sign "Hedges Concerto" treaty
1659-05-31 - Netherlands, England & France sign Treaty of The Hague
1659-11-07 - Peace of Pyreneeen: French king Louis XIV & Spanish king Philip IV
1659-11-17 - Peace of the Pyrenees is signed between France and Spain.
1660-12-31 - James II of England is named Duke of Normandy by Louis XIV of France.
1661-03-10 - French King Louis XIV ends office of premier
1661-09-05 - French superintendant of Finance Nicolas Fouquet arrested
1662-04-27 - Netherlands & France sign military covenant
1662-10-26 - Charles II of England sold Dunkirk to France
1662-10-27 - England sells Duinkerken to France for 2.5 million livres
1663-07-26 - France annexes Venaissin
1664-04-06 - France & Saksen sign alliance
1664-05-07 - Louis XIV of France inaugurates The Palace of Versailles.
1665-08-02 - French expedition against Barbarians in Tunis/Algiers
1666-01-26 - France declares war on England & Munster
1666-10-25 - Brandenburg/Brunswick/Denmark/Neth form anti-French Quadruple Alliance
1667-03-31 - France/England signs anti-Dutch military accord
1667-05-24 - French troops attack into Southern Netherlands
1667-06-25 - Dr Jean-Baptiste Denys, French doctor, performs 1st blood transfusion
1668-01-23 - England, Netherlands & Sweden signs Triple Alliance against French
1668-05-02 - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle/1st peace of Aken: ends War of Devolution, French-Spanish war in The Netherlands
1668-09-16 - King John II Casimir of Poland resigns, flees to France
1668-09-19 - Polish king John II Kazimierz resigns/goes to France
1669-02-01 - French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion
1669-12-31 - France & Brandenburg sign secret treaty
1670-02-17 - France & Bavaria sign military assistance treaty
1670-12-31 - France & England sign Boyne-treaty
1671-11-01 - French King Louis XIV & RC German emperor Leopold I sign secret anti-Dutch treaty
1671-11-11 - Dutch States-General forbids importation of French wine
1672-04-06 - France declares war on Netherlands
1672-04-29 - Franco-Dutch War: Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands.
1672-05-17 - Frontenac becomes governor of New France (Canada)
1672-06-07 - Battle by Solebay: Dutch adm M de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
1672-06-12 - French army under Gen Turenne crosses Rhine at Lobith
1672-06-21 - French troops under king Louis XIV occupy Utrecht
1672-09-06 - Willem III's troops reconquer Naarden on France
1673-06-06 - France & Brandenburg sign peace treaty
1673-06-14 - Battle at Schooneveld: Michiel de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
1673-07-06 - French troops conquer Maastricht as part of the Franco-Dutch War
1673-08-21 - Sea battle at Kijkduin: De Ruyter defeats English & French fleet
1673-08-30 - Leopold I, Spain, Netherlands & Lutherans form anti-French covenant
1674-05-28 - German Parliament declares war on France
1674-07-01 - Spain, France & Netherlands form Triple Alliance
1675-01-05 - Battle at Turkheim (Colmar): French army beats Brandenburg
1676-04-22 - Battle of Etna - Neth/Spain vs France, M de Ruyter fatally wounded
1676-06-02 - Battle at Palermo: French beats Dutch/Spanish fleet
1677-02-15 - King Charles II reports anti-French covenant with Netherlands
1677-04-11 - Battle at Montcassel, French troops beat Prince William III
1677-04-22 - Battle at Catania: between French & Dutch fleet
1677-11-16 - French troops occupy Freiburg
1678-04-25 - French troops conquer Ypres

1643-05-14 - Louis XIV (4) becomes King of France
1643-05-19 - Battle at Rocroi/Allersheim: French army destroys Spanish army
1643-11-24 - Battle at Tuttlingen: Beiers army under Gen Mercy beats France
1644-09-17 - French troops occupy Mainz
1645-08-03 - Battle of Allersheim: French defeat Bavarians
1647-03-14 - Thirty Years' War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.
1647-09-01 - French cardinal Mazarin & duke of Modena sign treaty against Milan
1648-06-30 - French premier cardinal Mazarin calls Saint Louis Chamber together
1648-08-20 - Battle of Lens: French duke d'Enghien defeats Spaniards
1648-11-11 - Dutch & French agree to divide St Maarten, Leeward Islands
1649-03-11 - The Frondeurs (French rebels) and the French government sign the Peace of Rueil.
1650-01-18 - French Prince Louis II of Condé captured
1650-04-30 - French rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain
1651-11-07 - King Louis XIV of France (13) declarer of full age
1652-05-04 - Battle at Etampes: French army under Turenne beats Fronde rebels
1653-02-07 - Nicolas Fouquet appointed superintendant of Finance of France
1654-06-07 - Louis XIV crowned King of France
1654-08-05 - French troops occupy Stenay
1654-11-23 - French mathematician, scientist, and religious philosopher Blaise Pascal experiences an intense, mystical vision that marks him for life.
1655-11-03 - England & France sign miltary & economic treaties
1656-09-15 - England & France sign peace treaty
1657-03-23 - France & England form alliance against Spain; England gets Dunkirk
1657-10-03 - French troops occupy Mardyke
1658-05-24 - Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
1658-06-03 - Pope Alexander VII appoints François de Laval vicar apostolic in New France.
1658-06-14 - Battle at Dunes: English & French fleet beat Spanish
1658-06-24 - French fleet recaptures Duinkerk
1658-06-25 - Spanish garrison at Duinkerk surrenders to French & British
1658-08-15 - France/Sweden/Bavarian/Brunswick/Munster/Hessen-Kassel form Rijnbond
1659-05-22 - France, England & Netherlands sign "Hedges Concerto" treaty
1659-05-31 - Netherlands, England & France sign Treaty of The Hague
1659-11-07 - Peace of Pyreneeen: French king Louis XIV & Spanish king Philip IV
1659-11-17 - Peace of the Pyrenees is signed between France and Spain.
1660-12-31 - James II of England is named Duke of Normandy by Louis XIV of France.
1661-03-10 - French King Louis XIV ends office of premier
1661-09-05 - French superintendant of Finance Nicolas Fouquet arrested
1662-04-27 - Netherlands & France sign military covenant
1662-10-26 - Charles II of England sold Dunkirk to France
1662-10-27 - England sells Duinkerken to France for 2.5 million livres
1663-07-26 - France annexes Venaissin
1664-04-06 - France & Saksen sign alliance
1664-05-07 - Louis XIV of France inaugurates The Palace of Versailles.
1665-08-02 - French expedition against Barbarians in Tunis/Algiers
1666-01-26 - France declares war on England & Munster
1666-10-25 - Brandenburg/Brunswick/Denmark/Neth form anti-French Quadruple Alliance
1667-03-31 - France/England signs anti-Dutch military accord
1667-05-24 - French troops attack into Southern Netherlands
1667-06-25 - Dr Jean-Baptiste Denys, French doctor, performs 1st blood transfusion
1668-01-23 - England, Netherlands & Sweden signs Triple Alliance against French
1668-05-02 - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle/1st peace of Aken: ends War of Devolution, French-Spanish war in The Netherlands
1668-09-16 - King John II Casimir of Poland resigns, flees to France
1668-09-19 - Polish king John II Kazimierz resigns/goes to France
1669-02-01 - French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion
1669-12-31 - France & Brandenburg sign secret treaty
1670-02-17 - France & Bavaria sign military assistance treaty
1670-12-31 - France & England sign Boyne-treaty
1671-11-01 - French King Louis XIV & RC German emperor Leopold I sign secret anti-Dutch treaty
1671-11-11 - Dutch States-General forbids importation of French wine
1672-04-06 - France declares war on Netherlands
1672-04-29 - Franco-Dutch War: Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands.
1672-05-17 - Frontenac becomes governor of New France (Canada)
1672-06-07 - Battle by Solebay: Dutch adm M de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
1672-06-12 - French army under Gen Turenne crosses Rhine at Lobith
1672-06-21 - French troops under king Louis XIV occupy Utrecht
1672-09-06 - Willem III's troops reconquer Naarden on France
1673-06-06 - France & Brandenburg sign peace treaty
1673-06-14 - Battle at Schooneveld: Michiel de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
1673-07-06 - French troops conquer Maastricht as part of the Franco-Dutch War
1673-08-21 - Sea battle at Kijkduin: De Ruyter defeats English & French fleet
1673-08-30 - Leopold I, Spain, Netherlands & Lutherans form anti-French covenant
1674-05-28 - German Parliament declares war on France
1674-07-01 - Spain, France & Netherlands form Triple Alliance
1675-01-05 - Battle at Turkheim (Colmar): French army beats Brandenburg
1676-04-22 - Battle of Etna - Neth/Spain vs France, M de Ruyter fatally wounded
1676-06-02 - Battle at Palermo: French beats Dutch/Spanish fleet
1677-02-15 - King Charles II reports anti-French covenant with Netherlands
1677-04-11 - Battle at Montcassel, French troops beat Prince William III
1677-04-22 - Battle at Catania: between French & Dutch fleet
1677-11-16 - French troops occupy Freiburg
1678-04-25 - French troops conquer Ypres

1682-04-09 - Robert La Salle claims lower Mississippi (Louisiana) for France
1682-05-06 - Louis XIV of France moves his court to Versailles.
1683-09-06 - Le Plecta appointed French minister of Finance
1683-09-24 - King Louis XIV expels all Jews from French possessions in America
1684-08-15 - Spain & Germany sign cease fire with France
1685-02-18 - Fort St. Louis is established by a Frenchman at Matagorda Bay thus forming the basis for France's claim to Texas.
1685-10-18 - French King Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes cancelling rights of French Protestants
1686-07-09 - Germany, Sweden & Spain signs anti-French League of Augsburg
1686-11-18 - Charles Francois Felix operates on King Louis XIV of France's anal fistula after practicing the surgery on several peasants.
1687-12-31 - 1st Huguenots depart France to Cape of Good Hope
1688-09-20 - French troops occupies Palts
1688-09-24 - France declares war on German
1688-11-26 - French King Louis XIV declares war on Netherlands
1688-12-09 - King James II's wife & son flee England for France
1688-12-19 - King James II's wife & son flee to France
1688-12-23 - English king Jacob II flees to France
1688-12-25 - English king James II lands in Ambleteuse, France
1689-02-15 - German Parliament declares war on France
1689-04-15 - French king Louis XIV declares war on Spain
1689-05-09 - English King William III declares war on France
1689-05-11 - Battle of Bantry Bay, French & English naval battle
1689-07-25 - France declares war on England
1689-08-05 - 1,500 Iroquois attack the village of Lachine, in New France.
1689-08-25 - Battle at Charleroi: Spanish & English armies chase French
1690-01-22 - Iroquois tribes renew allegiance to British against French
1690-02-08 - French & Indian troops set Schenectady settlement NY on fire
1690-03-16 - French king Louis XIV sends troops to Ireland
1690-06-30 - Battle at Beachy Head: French under Tourville beat Neth/English fleet
1690-07-01 - Battle of Colors: French beats Spanish/Dutch army
1690-07-10 - Battle of Beachy Head-French fleet defeat Anglo-Dutch fleet under Cornelis Evertsen
1690-08-01 - Battle at Staffarda: French army beats Victor Amadeus van Savoye
1691-04-09 - French troops occupy Mons
1691-07-22 - Battle at Aghrim: English/Dutch army beats France
1692-05-29 - Battle at La Hogue: English & Dutch fleet beat France
1692-07-24 - French defeat William III of England at Steinkirk (Enghein)
1692-08-03 - Battle at Steenkerke: French beat English/Dutch army
1693-06-27 - 1st sea battle of Lagos: England & Holland vs France
1693-07-04 - Battle at Boussu-lez-Walcourt: French-English vs Dutch army
1693-07-29 - War of the Grand Alliance: Battle of Landen/Neerwinden - France wins Pyrrhic victory over Allied forces in the Netherlands.
1693-10-04 - Battle of Marsaglia: Piedmontese troops are defeated by the French.
1694-06-29 - Dutch fleet attacks French grain transports
1695-08-04 - French garrison of surrenders to Willem III
1695-08-13 - -15] French troops under Villeroi shoot in Brussels
1695-09-04 - French garrison of castle Names surrenders for Willem III
1696-07-28 - De Croissy succeeds Le Plectia as French minister of Finance
1696-07-29 - French king Louis XIV & Victor Amadeua van Savoye signs peace
1697-10-30 - Germany signs French/English/Spanish/Neth/Brandenburgs peace treaty ending 9 year War
1698-10-11 - France, England & Netherlands signs 1st Extermination treaty
1699-06-11 - England, France & Neth agree on 2nd Extermination treaty of Spain
1700-03-25 - England, France & Netherlands ratify 2nd Extermination treaty
1701-03-09 - France, Cologne & Bavaria sign alliance
1701-09-07 - Germany, England & Netherlands sign anti-French covenant
1702-05-14 - England & Netherlands declares war on France & Spain
1702-05-15 - War of Spanish Succession, 1st American conflict between England & France
1702-08-19 - -24] Battle at Santa Marta Venz: English fleet beat French
1702-09-16 - Emperor Leopold I declares war on France, Cologne & Bavaria
1702-10-12 - Battle of Bay of Vigo: Dutch & English fleet destroy & occupy Spanish silver fleet & French squadron
1702-10-23 - -24] Battle in Bay of Vigo: Neth/Engl fleet destroy Span/French fleet
1704-02-28 - Elias Neau, a Frenchman, opens a school for blacks in NYC
1704-02-29 - French & Indians attack Deerfield, Mass, kill 50, abduct 100
1704-08-02 - Duke of Marlborough beats French & Bavarians at Blenheim
1704-08-13 - French & Bavarian forces were routed by a combined British, German & Dutch army at Blenheim, Germany
1704-08-25 - Battle at Malaga: French vs English & Dutch fleet
1705-10-01 - Parliament declares Hungary independently/French Rákóczi becomes king
1706-05-23 - Battle of Ramillies-Marlborough defeats French; 17,000 killed
1708-07-11 - Battle at Oudenaarde: Great Alliance beats France
1708-08-29 - Haverhill, Mass destroyed by French & Indians
1709-09-11 - Battle at Malplaquet during War of the Spanish Succession: Engl/Aust/Dutch Great Alliance beat France
1709-10-29 - England/Netherlands sign anti-French "Barrieretraktaat"
1710-12-11 - Battle of Villa Viciosa (France beat Habsburgers)
1711-09-22 - French troops occupy Rio de Janeiro
1712-07-17 - England, Portugal & France sign ceasefire [or 19th]
1712-07-24 - Battle at Denain: France under Villars beat Dutch army
1712-10-08 - French hijacker Jacques Cassard seen on Suriname coast
1712-11-02 - Suriname government gives French hijacker Jacques Cassard, ƒ682,800
1713-01-30 - England & Netherlands sign 2nd anti-French boundary treaty
1713-02-10 - Neth & England sign accord concerning anti-French Barrier [OS=Jan 31]
1713-02-18 - French invade under Jacques Cassard on Curacao
1713-02-27 - French troops bomb Willemstad Curacao
1713-04-11 - Peace of Utrecht; France cedes Maritime provinces to Britain - English, Prussian, Savoois, Portuguese & French peace treaty
1713-04-12 - Dutch State-Gen signs peace with France: Neth loses Orange Princedom
1713-06-23 - The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia, Canada.
1714-03-06 - Peace of Rastatt - French emperor Charles VI of Habsburg
1714-09-07 - Treaty of Baden: Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI & France, ends War of Spanish Succession, French retain Alsace, Austria gets bank of Rhine
1714-09-11 - French & Spanish troops under duke of Berwick occupy Barcelona
1715-05-04 - French manufacturer debuts 1st folding umbrella (Paris)
1715-09-01 - King Louis XIV of France dies after a reign of 72 years—the longest of any major European monarch.
1716-02-10 - Scottish pretender to the throne James III Edward returns to France
1716-10-09 - England & France sign treaty

1848-04-28 - Free last slaves in French colonies
1848-09-16 - Slavery abolished in all French territories
1849-07-03 - The French entered Rome in order to restore Pope Pius IX to power. This would prove a major obstacle to Italian unification.
1851-11-02 - Louis Napoleon takes power in France
1851-12-02 - Newly-elected French President Charles Louis Bonaparte overthrows the Second Republic.
1851-12-04 - Pres Louis Napolean Boaparte forces crush a coup d'etat in France
1852-09-24 - Henri Giffard, a French engineer, makes 1st engine powered dirigible/airship flight with steam power
1852-12-02 - 2nd French empire established; Louis Napoleon becomes emperor
1853-09-24 - France annexes Caledonia
1854-03-28 - During the Crimean War, Britain & France declare war on Russia
1854-07-13 - In the Battle of Guaymas, Mexico, General Jose Maria Yanez stops the French invasion led by Count Gaston de Raousset Boulbon.
1854-09-04 - English/French assault on Petropavlovsk Kamchatka
1854-09-14 - Allied armies, including those of Britain & France, land in Crimea
1854-11-05 - Crimean War: British & French defeat Russian force of 50,000
1855-06-17 - Heavy French/British bombing of Sebastopol, 2000+ killed
1857-03-03 - Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China.
1857-07-18 - Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall's war against the French.
1858-01-14 - French Emperor Napoleon III escapes attempt on his life by Felice Orsini, an Italian patriot who was later executed
1858-02-11 - 1st apparition of Mary to 14-year-old Bernadette of Lourdes France
1859-02-16 - The French Government passes a law to set the A-note above middle C to a frequency of 435 Hz, in an attempt to standardize the pitch.
1859-06-24 - Battle of Solferino, N-Italy: France/Sardinia-Austria
1860-09-21 - In the Second Opium War, an Anglo-French force defeats Chinese troops at the Battle of Baliqiao.
1860-10-12 - British & French troops capture Beijing
1862-03-10 - Great Britain & France recognizes independence of Zanzibar
1862-05-05 - French army intervenes in Puebla, Mexico: Cinco de Mayo
1862-06-25 - Battle of Oak Grove, VA (Orchard, Henrico, French's Field) (Kings's Schoolhouse) Day 1 of 7 Days
1863-04-30 - Mexican forces attacked the French Foreign Legion in Hacienda Camarón, Mexico.
1863-06-07 - Mexico City captured by French troops
1863-08-11 - Cambodia becomes French protectorate
1864-06-19 - CSS "Alabama" sunk by USS "Kearsarge" off Cherbourg, France
1864-09-03 - US, British, French & Dutch naval officer sails Staits of Simonoseki
1864-09-05 - British, French & Dutch fleets attacked Japan in Shimonoseki Straits
1864-09-05 - Achille François Bazaine becomes Marshall of France.
1866-05-18 - French government of De Putte resigns
1867-01-31 - Maronite nationalist leader Youssef Karam leaves Lebanon on board of a French ship for Algeria
1867-03-12 - Last French troops leave Mexico
1867-11-03 - Battle at Mentana: French/pontifical troops beat Garibaldi
1868-09-28 - Battle of Alcolea, causes Queen Isabella II of Spain to flee to France
1868-09-30 - Spain's Queen Isabella is deposed, flees to France
1869-07-15 - Margarine is patented by Hippolye Méga-Mouriès for use by French Navy
1870-07-19 - France declares war on Prussia; Franco-Prussian war begins
1870-07-23 - Emperor Napoleon III appoints Empress Eugenie as Regent of France
1870-08-06 - Battle at Spicheren: Prussia beats France
1870-08-18 - Battle at Gravelotte Privat: Prussia beat France, 32,000 casualties
1870-09-04 - 3rd French republic proclaimed as French overthrow their king

1870-09-20 - Italian army under Victor Emmanuel II seizes Rome from the French
1870-12-31 - J D Schneiter patents rocket mail in France, (not done)
1871-05-10 - Peace of Frankfurt-am-Main concluded between France & Germany ends Franco-Prussian war
1871-05-21 - -July 28] French regular troops attack Commune of Paris; 17,000 die
1873-07-10 - French poet Paul Verlaine wounds Arthur Rimbaud with pistol
1873-09-15 - Last German troops leave France
1873-09-16 - German troops leave France
1877-05-16 - May 16, 1877 political crisis in France.
1878-12-18 - French SS Byzantin sinks after collision in Dardanellen, 210 killed
1879-01-30 - French President MacMahon resigns
1879-04-08 - Khedive Ismael of Egypt fires French/British ministers
1879-08-17 - Ferdinand de Lesseps forms French Panama Canal Company
1880-06-29 - France annexes Otaheite (Tahiti)
1880-09-23 - Jules Ferry forms French government
1880-11-08 - Sarah Bernhardt, French actress, made US debut at NY's Booth Theater
1881-03-23 - Gas lamp sets fire to Nice France opera house; 70 die
1881-04-25 - French troops occupy Algeria & Tunisia
1881-05-12 - Treaty of Bardo, Tunisia becomes a French protectorate
1881-07-26 - French marines occupy Tunisian harbor city Sfax
1881-10-24 - Levi P Morton, US ambas to France drives 1st rivet in Stat of Liberty
1881-11-05 - French government-Ferry resigns
1881-11-14 - Leon Gambetta forms French government
1882-01-26 - France government of Gambetta falls
1882-05-13 - Toba-indians killed 20 members of French expedition
1882-05-20 - Germany/Austria-Hungary/France sign Triple Alliance
1882-09-03 - French/Vietnamese/Chinese battle at Hanoi, 100s die
1883-02-01 - French lt-col Gustave Borgnis-Desbordes reaches Bamako on the Niger
1883-02-21 - 2nd French government of Ferry begins
1883-04-02 - Battle at Bamako: French assault on Fabous arm forces attack
1883-04-12 - French troops under lt-colonel Borgnis-Desbordes occupy Bamako Senegal
1883-05-31 - French fleet under Pierre begins siege of Tamatave, Madagascar
1885-03-21 - 2nd French government of Ferry resigns
1885-05-12 - Battle of Batoche, French Canadians rebel against Canada
1885-06-12 - Roof collapse kills 30 at murder trial in France
1885-06-17 - Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC aboard French ship `Isere'
1885-12-17 - France declares Madagascar a protectorate
1887-02-20 - Germany, Austria-Hungary & France end Triple Alliance
1887-02-23 - French/Italian Riviera struck by Earthquake; 2,000 die
1887-12-02 - French president Grevy (80) resigns
1888-12-11 - French Panama Canal company fails
1889-01-10 - Ivory Coast declared a protectorate of France
1889-03-31 - 300m Eiffel Tower officially opens (commemorates French Revolution)
1890-04-06 - French troops under capt Archinard occupy Segu, West-Sudan
1890-04-27 - French troops under Capt Archinard occupy Oussebougou West Sudan
1890-08-05 - British & French accord to divide African colonization
1891-01-01 - French troops occupy Nioro, West-Sudan, 3000 killed
1891-02-24 - French troops under capt Archinard occupy Diena West Sudan
1891-07-26 - France annexes Tahiti.
1891-10-12 - Astronomical Society of France is inaugurated
1892-01-24 - battle at Mengo, Uganda: French missionaries attack Brit missionaries
1892-08-17 - Russian/French generals Obruchev/Boisdeffre signs Duple Alliance
1893-03-10 - Ivory Coast becomes a French colony
1893-08-14 - France issues 1st driving licenses, included required test
1893-08-14 - France introduces motor vehicle registration.
1893-12-17 - Russia ratifies Duple Alliance with France

1921-07-24 - Belgium's Leon Scieur wins Tour de France
1921-11-13 - US, France, Japan & British Empire sign a Pacific Treaty
1922-02-06 - US, UK, France, Italy & Japan sign Washington naval arms limitation
1922-06-29 - France grants 1 km² at Vimy Ridge "freely, and for all time, to the Government of Canada, the free use of the land exempt from all taxes."
1922-11-19 - Demonstration for a French Language University in Ghent
1923-01-11 - French & Belgian troops occupy Ruhr to collect reparations
1923-03-31 - French soldiers fire on workers at Krupp factory in Essen; 13 die
1923-11-02 - Bloody street battles in Aken: pro-French separatists
1923-11-02 - Bloody street fights in Aken (pro-French separatists driven)
1924-01-25 - 1st Winter Olympic games open in Chamonix, France
1924-02-04 - 1st Winter Olympic games close at Chamonix France
1924-03-27 - New French government of Poincaré begins
1924-05-04 - 8th Olympic games open at Paris, France
1924-05-11 - Cartel des Gauches wins French parliamentary election
1924-05-12 - 7th PGA Championship: Walter Hagen at French Lick CC Ind
1924-06-13 - Gaston Doumergue elected as 1st protestant French premier
1924-08-17 - French-German trade agreement signed
1924-08-18 - France begins retracting troops out of Ruhrgebied
1924-09-28 - French government names Gen Serrail gov-gen of Syria
1924-10-28 - French-Russian trade agreement signed
1924-11-30 - Last French/Belgian troops leave Ruhrgebied
1925-01-04 - French psychologist Emil Coué brings his self-esteem therapy to US "Every day in every way I am getting better & better"
1925-01-05 - French Baseball Federation awards silver medals to John McGraw, Charlie Comiskey, & Hugh Jennings
1925-01-10 - France-Saarland forms
1925-02-09 - German Minister Stresemann proposes security treaty with France
1925-04-11 - Abd el-Krims Rifkabylen beats French army in Morocco
1925-04-17 - Paul Painlevé follows Edouard Herriot on as French premier
1925-05-08 - French colonial army beats Rifkabylen in Morocco
1925-06-22 - Spain & France fight Morocco
1925-07-13 - French occupation force begins evacuating country
1925-07-20 - Beirut sultan Pasja al-Atrasj calls Druzen for holy war against France
1925-09-12 - 20th Davis Cup: USA beats France in Philadelphia (5-0)
1925-09-29 - French Gen of Morocco, marshal Lyautey, is dismissed
1925-10-14 - Anti-French uprising in Damascus (French inhabitants flee)
1925-10-18 - -20] French Gen Sarrail bombs Damascus
1925-11-28 - 7th French government of Briand sworn-in
1926-04-29 - France & US reach accord on repayment of WW I
1926-05-19 - French air force bombs Damascus Syria
1926-05-23 - Lebanese constitution forms under French mandate
1926-06-15 - 7th French government of Briand falls
1926-06-23 - 8th government of Briand van France forms
1926-07-19 - 2nd French government of Herriot, forms
1926-07-23 - France government of Poincaré, forms
1926-08-01 - Battles between Druzen & French in Damascus
1926-08-05 - French & German trade agreement signed
1926-09-11 - 21st Davis Cup: USA beats France in Philadelphia (4-1)
1926-09-11 - US defeats France for their 7th straight Davis Cup championship
1926-09-30 - German/French/Belgian/Luxembourg steel cartel closes
1926-12-29 - Vatican puts French fascist Charles Maurras' work on the index
1927-09-10 - 22nd Davis Cup: France beats USA in Philadelphia (3-2)
1927-09-10 - France had its first Davis Cup win, though it had competed since 1905.
1928-10-03 - French sun "Ondine" sinks returning to Toulon, drowning 42
1928-11-11 - France's 5th government of Poincaré forms
1929-07-29 - Belgium Maurice Dewaele wins Tour de France
1929-07-31 - Aristide Briand becomes premier of France
1929-09-05 - French premier A Briand requests a US of Europe
1929-10-22 - French government of Briand falls
1930-02-17 - French government of Tardieu, falls
1930-03-04 - Terrible floods ransack Languedoc and the surrounds in south-west France, resulting in twelve departments being submerged by water and causing the death of over 700 people.
1930-07-27 - Andre Leducq wins Tour de France
1930-10-05 - British airship crashes in storm at Beauvais France, 48 die
1930-12-04 - French government of Tardieu falls
1930-12-13 - Theodore Steeg forms French government
1931-01-22 - French government of Steeg falls

1931-03-27 - Charlie Chaplin receives France's distinguished Legion of Honor
1931-05-13 - Paul Doumer elected president of France
1931-06-14 - French "St Philbert" overturns off St Nazaire France, drowns 450
1931-07-23 - France announces they can't afford to send a team to 1932 LA olympics
1931-08-24 - France & USSR sign neutrality/no attack treaty
1932-01-12 - France's Laval government falls
1932-02-21 - Andre Tardieu becomes premier of France
1932-05-10 - Senate chairman Albert Lebrun becomes president of France
1932-06-04 - Edouard Herriot becomes premier of France
1932-06-13 - Great Britain & France sign peace treaty
1932-07-27 - Paul Gorgoulov, French president Doumer's assassin, sentenced to death
1932-07-31 - 27th Davis Cup: France beats USA in Paris (3-2)
1932-09-05 - The French Upper Volta is broken apart between Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger.
1932-10-29 - French liner Normandie is launched
1932-11-28 - France & USSR signs not-attack treaty
1932-11-29 - France signs non-agression pact with Soviet Union
1932-11-29 - USSR & France sign no attack treaty
1932-12-14 - French government of Herriot falls
1933-01-28 - French government of Paul Boncour falls
1933-01-31 - French government of Daladier takes power
1933-07-30 - 28th Davis Cup: Great Britain beats France in Paris (3-2)
1933-08-30 - Air France forms
1933-10-26 - French government of Serraut forms
1933-11-26 - Camille Chautemps becomes French premier
1933-12-24 - Paris express train derails & kills 160, injures 300 (France)
1934-01-27 - French government of Chautemps falls (Stavisky Affair)
1934-02-06 - Far right leagues rally in front of the Palais Bourbon in an attempted coup against the French Third Republic, creating a political crisis in France.
1934-02-08 - Gaston Doumergue forms new French government
1934-02-12 - France hit by a general strike against fascists & royalists
1934-06-30 - French Equatorial Africa constituted a single administrative unit
1934-07-27 - French socialist/communist party of People's Front forms
1934-10-09 - Regicide at Marseille: The assassination of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, Foreign Minister of France.
1935-03-29 - French liner Normandie begins its maiden voyage
1935-06-03 - French Normandie sets Atlantic crossing record of 1,077 hours
1935-07-28 - Belgium's Romain Maes, wins Tour de France

1957-11-05 - Félix Gaillard forms government in France
1957-11-06 - Felix Gaillard becomes premier of France
1958-02-08 - French planes bomb Sakiet Tunisia, 75 die
1958-04-16 - French government of Gaillard falls due to Tunisia crisis
1958-05-13 - French settlers riot against French army in Algeria
1958-05-13 - Pierre Pflimlin forms French government
1958-05-28 - French government of Pflimlin resigns/200,000 demonstrate against De Gaulle
1958-06-01 - Charles de Gaulle elected premier of France
1958-06-04 - French premier De Gaulle arrives in Algiers
1958-06-06 - Premier Charles de Gaulle says Algeria will always be French

1958-07-19 - Charly Gaul wins Tour de France
1958-07-27 - Louise Suggs wins LPGA French Lick Golf Open
1958-09-28 - France adopts constitution
1958-09-28 - Guinea votes for independence from France
1958-09-30 - French Guinee becomes independent republic Guinea
1958-10-02 - Guinea (French Guinea) gains independence from France (National Day)
1958-10-04 - 5th French republic forms
1958-10-04 - Fifth Republic of France is established.
1958-10-14 - Malagasy Republic becomes autonomous republic in French Community
1958-11-24 - Mali becomes an autonomous state within French Community
1958-11-25 - Senegal becomes an autonomous state in French Community
1958-11-28 - Chad becomes an autonomous republic within French community
1958-11-28 - Congo & Mauritania become autonomous members of French Community
1958-12-11 - Upper Volta (now Bourkina Faso) gains autonomy from France
1958-12-18 - Niger gains autonomy within French Community (National Day)
1958-12-21 - Charles De Gaulle wins 7 year term as 1st pres of 5th Rep of France
1958-12-30 - French franc devalued
1959-01-01 - Chad becomes autonomous republic in French Community
1959-01-08 - Charles de Gaulle inaugurated as pres of France's 5th Republic
1959-03-25 - French pres De Gaulle acknowledges Oder-Neisse boundary
1959-04-04 - Fed of Mali, consisting of Senegal & French Sudan (dissolved 1960)
1959-04-12 - France Observator reports torture practice by French army in Algeria
1959-04-27 - "Today" show goes abroard 1st time (Paris France)
1959-05-29 - Charles de Gaulle forms French government
1959-12-02 - Malpasset dam collapses destroying French Riviera town of Frejus
1960-01-01 - Bank of France issues new franc, worth 100 times the value of existing francs
1960-01-01 - Cameroon (French Cameroon) gains independence from France
1960-01-11 - Chad declares independence from France
1960-01-22 - French president De Gaulle escape attempt by general Massu
1960-01-24 - Algeria uprises against French president De Gaulle
1960-02-13 - France performs 1st nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria
1960-03-04 - French freighter "La Coubre" explodes in Havana Cuba, killing 100
1960-04-01 - 2nd French atom bomb explodes (Sahara)
1960-04-01 - France performs nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria
1960-04-04 - Senegal declares independence from France
1960-04-13 - France becomes 4th nuclear nation exploding an A-Bomb in Sahara
1960-04-27 - Togo (formerly French Togo) declares independence from French adm
1960-05-11 - French liner "France" launched
1960-06-20 - Federation of Mali (& Senegal) becomes independent of France
1960-06-25 - Madagascar gains independence of France
1960-06-26 - Madagascar (formerly Malagasy Rep) declares independence from France
1960-08-01 - Benin (Dahomey) gains independence from France
1960-08-03 - Niger gains independence from France
1960-08-05 - Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) declares independence from France
1960-08-07 - Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) gains independence from France
1960-08-11 - Chad declares Independence from France
1960-08-11 - French colony of Chad became independent
1960-08-13 - Central African Republic & Chad proclaim independence from France
1960-08-15 - Congo (formerly Congo/Brazzaville) declares Independence from France
1960-08-17 - Gabon gains independence from France (National Day)
1960-09-15 - France spends 9 billion guilders on atomic experiments
1960-09-22 - Mali (formerly French Sudan) declares independence from France
1960-10-19 - France grants Mauritania independence
1960-11-22 - French National Meeting decide to build own nuclear weapons
1960-11-28 - Mauritania gains independence from France (Natl Day)
1960-11-30 - French Senate condemns building own nuclear weapons
1960-12-07 - Ivory Coast claims independence from France
1960-12-27 - France performs nuclear test
1961-04-21 - French army revolts in Algeria
1961-04-22 - Uprising of French parachutist of Gen Salan/Challe in Algeria
1961-04-23 - Algiers putsch by French generals.
1961-04-25 - France performs nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria
1961-04-26 - French paratroopers' revolt suppressed in Algeria
1961-07-20 - French military forces break the Tunisian siege of Bizerte.
1961-07-29 - Wallis & Futuna Islands become a French overseas territory
1961-11-07 - France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1962-02-05 - French President de Gaulle calls for Algeria's independence
1962-02-18 - France & Algerian Moslems negotiate truce to end 7 year war
1962-03-14 - Disarmament conference opens in Geneva without France
1962-03-25 - French OAS-leader ex-general Jouhaud arrested
1962-04-08 - Accords of Evian (Algeria) accepted by referendum in France

1962-04-14 - Georges Pompidou becomes president of France
1962-05-01 - 1st French underground nuclear experiment in the Sahara
1962-05-01 - France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1962-06-03 - Air France Boeing 707 crashes on takeoff from Paris, kills 130
1962-06-22 - French Boeing 707 crashes at Guadeloupe, 113 killed
1962-06-30 - French Foreign Legion leaves Algeria
1962-07-03 - Algerian Revolution against French ends (Algeria gains ind on 7/5)
1962-07-05 - Algeria gains independence after 132 years of French rule
1962-07-20 - France & Tunisia recover diplomatic relations
1962-08-14 - French & Italian workers break through at Mount Blanc Vehicular Tunnel
1962-09-04 - French president De Gaulle visits German FR
1962-11-29 - Great-Britain & France decide to jointly build Concorde
1963-01-22 - The Elysée treaty of cooperation between France and Germany was signed by Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer.
1963-02-11 - Julia Child's show The French Chef premieres.
1963-03-01 - 200,000 French mine workers strike
1963-03-18 - France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1963-03-30 - France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1963-10-09 - French air force gets 1st nuclear weapons

1983-06-22 - "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life," released in France
1983-07-05 - France invades Algeria
1983-07-15 - 8 killed, 54 wounded, by Armenian extremists bomb at Orly, France
1983-07-20 - France performs nuclear Test at Muruora Island
1983-07-24 - Laurent Fignon wins Tour de France
1983-08-04 - France performs nuclear test
1983-12-03 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1983-12-07 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1984-04-21 - Centers for Disease Cont says virus discovered in France causes AIDS
1984-05-08 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1984-05-12 - France performs nuclear test
1984-06-27 - France wins soccer's European Cup
1984-07-17 - Pierre Mauroy resigns as premier of France
1984-07-22 - Laurent Fignon wins Tour de France
1984-08-11 - 101,799 fans at soccer match Brazil vs France
1984-08-25 - French airship capsizes
1984-10-27 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1984-11-02 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1984-12-01 - France performs nuclear test
1984-12-05 - French colonies killed 10 Kanaken in New Caledonia
1984-12-06 - France performs nuclear test
1985-03-10 - French socialists lose election (National Front 9%)
1985-04-03 - French government adopts equal electoral system
1985-04-30 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1985-05-08 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1985-06-09 - Bernard Hinault wins Tour de France
1985-06-10 - French agents blow up Greenpeace boat Rainbow Warrior near NZ
1985-07-10 - French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in NZ
1985-07-21 - Bernard Hinault wins his 5th & last Tour de France
1985-08-03 - Train crash at Flaujac, France: 35 killed
1985-08-26 - French government claims no knowledge of assault on Rainbow Warrior
1985-09-01 - US-French expedition locates wreckage of Titanic off Newfoundland
1985-09-22 - France premier confesses on attack of Rainbow Warrior
1985-10-17 - French author Claude Simon won the Nobel Prize in literature
1985-11-26 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1985-12-04 - French President Mitterrand receives Polish leader Jaruzelski
1986-02-07 - Haiti's President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier flees to France Henri Namphy becomes leader of Haiti
1986-02-16 - French air force bombs Ouadi Doum airport in Chad
1986-03-08 - 4 French TV crew members are abducted in west Beirut Lebanon
1986-03-20 - Jacques Chirac forms French government
1986-04-26 - France performs nuclear test
1986-05-06 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1986-05-27 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1986-05-30 - France performs nuclear test
1986-07-27 - Greg Lemond is 1st American to win Tour de France
1986-11-12 - France performs nuclear test
1986-12-06 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1986-12-10 - France performs nuclear test
1986-12-24 - French hostage Aurel Cornea, held in Lebanon for 9 months, released
1987-01-07 - French airplanes harass Libyan positions in Duadi Doum
1987-04-18 - Pat Knauff, France sets 1-leg downhill ski speed record (115.012 mph)
1987-05-05 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1987-06-03 - "Little Shop of Horrors," released in France
1987-06-03 - "Pee-wee's Big Adventure," released in France
1987-07-04 - Nazi Klaus Barbie, "Butcher of Lyon" sentenced to life in France
1987-07-17 - Iran & France breaks diplomatic relations
1987-07-26 - Stephen Roche wins Tour de France
1987-08-11 - France & Great-Britain send minesweepers to Persian Gulf
1987-08-30 - Yves Pol of France runs complete marathon backwards (3:57:57)
1987-10-03 - Michael Pruffer of France skis 135.26 MPH at Portillo, Chile
1987-10-15 - The Great Storm of 1987 hits France and England.
1987-10-23 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1987-11-05 - France performs nuclear test
1987-11-19 - France performs nuclear test
1987-11-29 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1987-12-01 - Digging begins to link England & France under English Channel
1988-05-08 - Francois Mitterrand elected president of France
1988-05-11 - France performs nuclear test
1988-06-30 - French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.
1988-07-25 - Pedro Delgado wins Tour de France
1988-08-30 - France performs nuclear test
1988-10-25 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1988-11-05 - France performs nuclear test
1988-11-23 - France performs nuclear test
1988-11-30 - France performs nuclear test at Fangataufa Island
1989-01-05 - 2 French TV newsmen arrested for trying to plant fake bombs on 3 airlines at JFK airport in security test
1989-01-14 - 29 year old French woman gives birth to sextuplets in Paris
1989-05-11 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1989-05-24 - French war criminal Paul Touvier arrested in monastery in Nice
1989-07-21 - Greg LeMond (US) wins Tour de France in fastest time
1989-09-19 - French DC-10 crashes near Niger, 171 die
1989-10-24 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1989-10-31 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1989-11-15 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1989-11-27 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1989-12-05 - France TGV train reaches world record speed of 482.4 kph
1990-02-13 - US, England, France & England give Germany OK to reunify
1990-05-10 - French TGV-train hits record speed of 510.6 kph
1990-07-04 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1990-07-08 - Greg Lemond wins his 3rd Tour de France (90:43:20 avg 23.3 mph)
1990-07-22 - Greg LeMond of US wins his 3rd Tour de France
1990-09-12 - US, England, France, USSR, East & West Germanys sign agreements allowing 2 Germanys to merge
1990-09-13 - Iraqi troops storm residence of French ambassador in Kuwait
1990-09-15 - France announce it will send 4,000 troops to Persian Gulf
1990-09-27 - Tour de France champion Greg LeMond visits White House
1990-10-23 - Iraq announces release of 330 French hostages
1990-10-30 - England-France complete "Chunnel"
1990-11-10 - Lebanon releases 2 french hostages (Camille Sontag & Marcel Coudari)
1990-11-14 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1990-12-01 - British & French workers meet in English Channel's tunnel (Chunnel)

1991-05-07 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1991-05-15 - Edith Cresson becomes France's 1st female premier
1991-05-18 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1991-07-05 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1991-07-15 - France performs nuclear Test at Muruora Island
1991-07-28 - Miguel Indurain of Spain wins Tour de France bicycle race
1991-11-18 - France deports Marlon's daughter Cheyenne Brando to Tahiti
1991-12-01 - 80th Davis Cup: France beats USA in Lyon (3-1)
1992-02-08 - 16th Winter Olympic games opens in Albertville, France
1992-02-23 - 16th Winter Olympic games closes in Albertville, France
1992-04-02 - Edith Cresson, France's 1st female premier, resigns
1992-04-12 - Euro Disney opens in Marne-la-Vallee France
1992-09-20 - France votes in favor of Maastricht treaty
1992-09-22 - Heavy storm in South France, 34 die
1992-09-23 - Mud storm kills 30 in South France
1993-03-28 - Conservatives win French parliamentary election
1993-03-30 - French government of Balladur forms
1993-06-09 - "Amantes" (1991), premieres in France
1993-06-09 - "Body Snatchers" (1993), premieres in France
1993-06-09 - "Ce que femme veut" (1993), premieres in France
1993-06-09 - "Passion Fish" (1992), premieres in France
1993-06-09 - "Tout capour ca!" (1993), premieres in France
1993-07-25 - Miguel Indurain wins his 3rd Tour de France
1994-05-06 - Chunnel linking England & France officially opens
1994-05-11 - "Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult," released in France
1994-06-24 - 1st French "all news" TV (LCI) begins broadcasting
1994-06-30 - Airbus A330 crash at Toulouse France (7 killed)
1994-07-16 - Spanish fishing boats sink a French fishing boat over fishing rights
1994-07-17 - French youngster (4) becomes Buddhist Lama Tulkou Kalou Rinpoche
1994-07-24 - Miguel Indurain wins Tour de France
1994-09-08 - Last US, British & French troops leave West-Berlin
1994-12-24 - 4 Moslem fundamentalists capture Air France pilot in Algiers
1994-12-26 - French commando's terminate Air France hijacking in Marseille
1995-05-07 - Jacques Chirac wins French presidential election
1995-07-23 - Miguel Indurains wins his 5th Tour de France
1996-01-27 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1997-06-02 - Liberals beat Conservatives in France
1997-06-13 - American fugitive Ira Einhorn is arrested in France for the murder of Holly Maddux after 16 years on the run, though he would not return for another four years.
1997-11-05 - French court orders producer Jacques Charrier, ex-husband of Brigitte Bardot, to pay the former screen star $8,300 in damages
1998-04-20 - TAME Boeing 727-200 chartered by Air France crashes into Cerro El Cable mountain after takeoff from Bogotá, Colombia, killing 53.
1999-08-11 - Total solar eclipse in India-North -France (2m23s)
1999-10-22 - Maurice Papon, an official in the Vichy France government during World War II, is jailed for crimes against humanity.
1999-12-26 - Severe weather in France kills over 100 people and causes extensive damage to property, trees and the French national power grid (see Lothar).
2000-07-20 - Terrorist Carlos the Jackal sues France in the European Court of Human Rights for allegedly torturing him.
2000-07-25 - Air France Flight 4590, a Concorde supersonic passenger jet, F-BTSC, crashes just after takeoff from Paris killing all 109 aboard and 4 on the ground.
2001-05-21 - French Taubira law officially recognizes the Atlantic slave trade and slavery as crimes against humanity.
2001-09-21 - AZF chemical plant explodes in Toulouse, France, killing 29 people
2002-07-14 - French President Jacques Chirac escapes an assassination attempt unscathed during Bastille Day celebrations.
2002-10-06 - The French oil tanker Limburg is bombed off Yemen.
2003-02-10 - France and Belgium break the NATO procedure of silent approval concerning the timing of protective measures for Turkey in case of a possible war with Iraq.
2003-07-20 - France: Sixteen people are injured after two bombs explode outside a tax office in Nice.
2004-11-04 - 12 French soldiers, 3 UN personnel and hundreds of civilians die during the Côte d'Ivoire civil war.
2004-11-27 - New Zealand's All Blacks thump Six Nations Rugby Union Champions France 45-6 in Paris
2004-12-14 - The Millau viaduct, the highest bridge in the world, near Millau, France is officially opened.
2005-02-23 - Vote of the controversial French law on colonialism, repealed start of 2006.
2005-04-27 - The Superjumbo jet aircraft Airbus A380 makes its first flight from Toulouse, France.
2005-05-29 - France resoundingly rejects the European Constitution.

2005-07-24 - Lance Armstrong retires after winning a record seventh consecutive Tour de France victory
2005-11-27 - The first partial human face transplant is completed in Amiens, France.
2006-01-12 - The French warship Clemenceau reaches Egypt and is barred access to the Suez Canal. Greenpeace activists board the ship.
2006-01-12 - The foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany declare that negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program have reached a dead end and recommend that Iran be referred to the United Nations Security Council.
2006-03-28 - At least 1 million union members, students and unemployed take to the streets in France in protest at the government's proposed First Employment Contract law.
2007-04-03 - Conventional-Train World Speed Record: a French TGV train on the LGV Est high speed line sets an official new world speed record.
2008-03-22 - The French Swimmer Alain Bernard sets the world record of 47.50 for the 100 m freestyle long course after winning the European LC Championships 2008.
2009-06-01 - Air France Flight 447 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. All 228 passengers and crew were killed.
2012-03-17 - Wales defeat France to record their eleventh Grand Slam in the Six Nation's Championship
2012-04-10 - Raymond Aubrac, French Resistance Leader, dies at 97
2012-05-06 - Francois Hollande elected President of France
2012-06-17 - France's Socialist Party wins a majority in the legislative election
2012-11-09 - An Algerian C-295 military transport plane crashes near Avignon, France, killing 6 people


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